绘画认知方式上的艺术理念——谈中西油画风格及绘画认知方式变迁-artistic conception of painting cognitive style - on the changes of chinese and western oil painting styles and painting cognitive style.docx
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绘画认知方式上的艺术理念——谈中西油画风格及绘画认知方式变迁-artistic conception of painting cognitive style - on the changes of chinese and western oil painting styles and painting cognitive style
绘画认知方式上的艺术理念——谈中西油画风格及绘画认知方 式变迁
内容摘要:油画的艺术是基于对客体模仿基础上发展起来的,但模仿的 目的不在于再现自然,而在于创造属于艺术家个人的第二自然\借 以体现事物的本体意义。如何创造第二自然所产生的不同的艺术理 念要求艺术家对事物采驭不同的认知方式,这也就导致了不同的艺术风 恪的产生。
西方古典主义绘画艺术家认为,神创造的世界是极端完美的,艺术 家的任务是以认真、科学的态度模仿神所创造世界。现实主义绘画的认 识世界从神界转向了人的世界,艺术家的任务是在现实生活中发现真 理。现代主义绘画认知的方向从认知客体转向到画面本身,画家从画面 中寻找存在的显示方式。
中国油画家在学习西方油同时,逐渐认识到自身艺术理理论和实践 的缺陷,认识到绘画认知方法的单一性,肤浅性。以靳尚谊等一大批油 画家从掌握了油画本体的意义为起点,逐渐在油画艺术理念和认知方式 上接近欧洲古典油画的风貌:而另一批现实主义画家以反思态度挖掘现 实的真理,充分表现了人的社会性、生命情感的状态。还有一大批现代 艺术家努力在画面中表达艺术家的自我风格的意义和个性的价值。正是 由于中国油画家在艺术理念及认知方式方面的提高才使得中国现代油 画取得了巨大的进步。
Conten t: The Oil Painting Art develops in imitating to the object. While jts motive 15 to reflect the noumenal meaning of object but to copy the nature bUl the second nature ? The different a 口5 style comes from the different cognizance that come from different a口5 idea tOO .
The arts of the West Classical Oil Painting believe that the world that the deity created is the most perfect. The arts creations that copied
t h e 0 bj e c t s i n seri0 u s-m in d e d a n d sc i en t i fi c at t it u d e C 0P Y t h e W 0r1d t h at
the deity created. The cognìzance aìm is to find the meaning that behind the objec t. The arts of the Realistic Oil Painting turn their cognizance from the deity world to the realistic world. They make the finding
re al i stic truth as their task by consci ence. The Moderni sm Oil Painting turn their cognizance from the objects to the painting itself.
The arts of Chinese Oil Painting find their . defect in arts idea and that the cognizance way is si mpl ex and s u perfic iali ty. B y pertinacity
learning ,They master the noumenon meaning of Oil Paínting gradually
and they think and dig the truth behind the reality ,they manifest the life , emotion of the human and the nature. they enthusiastically express their
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