
浑善达克沙地榆种子扩散规律的分析-analysis of elm seed diffusion law in hunshandake sandy land.docx

浑善达克沙地榆种子扩散规律的分析-analysis of elm seed diffusion law in hunshandake sandy land.docx

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浑善达克沙地榆种子扩散规律的分析-analysis of elm seed diffusion law in hunshandake sandy land

The collected sand elm seeds (with Samara ) were divided into 5 levels according the intact and mature degree of seed. The level 1 of seed means the intact Samara and mature seeds, the level 2 means the winged Samara and the incomplete mature seeds, the level 3 means mature seed without Samar, the level 4 means seeds rotted or destroyed by insects and the level 5 means immature or empty seeds. One way AVOVA (SPSS 13.0, SPSS Inc. Chicago, Illinois, USA) was used to assess the significance of the treatment impacts, the least significant difference ( LSD ) and correlation analysis of different data sets, compare the difference between.The results showed that: (1) the quantities of seed rain increase with the age of elm, the order is old elm medium age elm small age elm, the quantities of seed rain for the56, 40, 23 years old elm is(7744±16.3), (5236±18.9) and (2456±12.7) per square meter;respectively. (2)The quality of middle age Isolation seeds is better than that for the young trees and old trees which shows in the lower proportion of immature, empty grain and seed pests.The quality of 23 years old isolation seeds is worst. The seeds of old trees and the middle age trees are the main sources of natural regeneration seed. (3) Elm seed begins to mature in late May 2010, begins to fall in early June, reaches the peak of fall in mid-June and complete until late June. (4) Elm seeds diffuse within 50m of the main wind direction along the downwind and the range of 20m around crown in the course of the pre-dispersal, then scattered to the 50m of the downwind areas or more distant areas in the course of the. (5) The process of post-dispersal shows the “cut peak” effect to the pre-dispersal of seed rain.Key words:Otindag Sand Land;Ulmus pumila var.sabulosa;seed rain;Diffusion ruleDirected by: Prof.LIGangtie YUEYongjieApplicant for Master degree:GUWei (Water Soil Conservation and Desertification Combating)(College of Ecology and Environmental Science,Inner Mongolia Agricult



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