
基础教育系统电子化采购平台实证分析-empirical analysis on electronic procurement platform of basic education system.docx

基础教育系统电子化采购平台实证分析-empirical analysis on electronic procurement platform of basic education system.docx

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基础教育系统电子化采购平台实证分析-empirical analysis on electronic procurement platform of basic education system

摘要摘要随着电子政务和教育信息化在我国的发展,政府电子化采购作为政府对企业的 电子政务中重要的组成部分,也急需一套完整的解决方案。国内现有的政府电子 化采购方案基本上依赖于政府采购网站,功能有限,并且各个政府采购网站之间 彼此孤立,信息无法共享,效率比较低下。因此,如何构建一个功能较为全面的、 高效的、可扩展的政府采购系统是当前需要研究的问题。本文将最新的.NET 技术应用到政府电子采购系统中来,因为相对于传统编程 语言技术,程序采用 C#语言开发,充分利用 C#语言的简单性和灵活性,更适合于 Internet 应用等优点,所以利用它能够建立一个高效的、开放的、互操作性强的 政府采购系统。本文从系统的角度出发,构建了一个开放、统一的政府采购系统 整体框架模型,并对系统间的调用接口、数据交换的标准格式、系统的安全性模 型等关键技术实现做了详细的阐述,同时还提出了建立一个统一的政府采购信息 注册中心,以使信息充分共享。本系统的开发实现采用的主要技术,还包括.NET 技术、Ajax 无刷新技术、SQL SERVER 2008 数据库技术、ADO.NET 数据库访问技术 等。本文最后给出了一个该原型系统的实现示例。本文的研究为今后建立完善的政府电子采购系统提供了参考,并且对建设其它 的基于.NET 技术的基础教育电子政务应用也有着一定的借鉴作用。关键词:电子政务,政府采购,C#语言,安全性ABSTRACTAbstractAs the important part of government-business e-government in our country, the government e-procurement requires a complete and effective solution with the development of e-government and education information. However, the current government procurement programs are largely dependent on the government procurement website with limited functionality. Meanwhile, these procurement websites are isolated from each other, resulting in low efficiency because the information can not be shared. Thus, a efficient, scalable solution for the government procurement system is required.In this dissertaion, the .NET technologies are used to build government electronic procurement system. In comparison to traditional programming language techniques, C# is much more simple and flexible, and is more suitable for Internet applications. Therefore, it is adopted to build an efficient, open, interoperable strong government procurement system. In this dissertaion, an open, unified model of the overall framework of government procurement system is built. Many advanced technologies are used while developing the system, including .NET technologies, Ajax without refreshing technology, SQL SERVER 2008 database technology, ADO.NET database access technology. Finally, we provide an example of the realization of the prototype system.The dissertaion provides a reference to build government pr



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