环肺静脉电隔离术治疗心房颤动远期疗效观察-observation on long-term efficacy of circumferential pulmonary vein electrical isolation in the treatment of atrial fibrillation.docx
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环肺静脉电隔离术治疗心房颤动远期疗效观察-observation on long-term efficacy of circumferential pulmonary vein electrical isolation in the treatment of atrial fibrillation
环肺静脉电隔离术治疗心房颤动的远期疗效观察英文摘要Evaluation of the long-term effect of circumferential pulmonary vein ablation in atrial fibrillation AbstractObjective: To investigate and evaluate the efficacy of circumferential pulmonary vein isolation(CPVI) in atrial fibrillation (AF) one year after operation.Methods: From March 2007 to January 2012,39 patients affected by drug-refractory AF were admitted to the cardiovascular department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University and received CPVI. Amony them there were 24 males and 15 females. The average age was 61.1 ± 7.96 years old. Average atrial fibrillation duration was 8.04 ±10.1 years. There were 31 cases with paroxysmal AF, 8 cases with persistent AF. There were 24 cases with hypertension, 5 cases with diabetes mellitus,4 cases with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 2 cases with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,2 cases with coronary heart disease, 2 case with pulmonary heart disease. After ablation patients were followed upfor the first/third/sixth/twelfth months with routine electrocardiogram(ECG), 24 hourselectrocardiogram and echocardiography.After that, every half a year had a review. If the patients had symptoms of palpitation during follow-up, we recorded the ECG at any time.According to the follow-up results, patients were divided into 2 groups: group A(success group) and group B (recurrence group). Patients in group A didn’t has episodes of AF ,atrial flutter or atrial tachycardia without using anti-arrhythmic drugs or using preoperative ineffective anti-arrhythmic drugs during 3 months after ablation,and AF episodes load was significantly reduced. Patients in group B had recurrence of AF, atrial flutter or atrial tachycardia,and the duration was greater than or equal to 30 seconds. We analysed the effect of CPVI on AF and the relationship between recurrence and clinical variables including sex, age, type of AF, duration of AF, presence hypertension, Leftatrial diameter (LAD),left ventricular ejection fraction (LVE
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