
基金销售业务管理与研究系统的设计与实现-design and implementation of fund sales business management and research system.docx

基金销售业务管理与研究系统的设计与实现-design and implementation of fund sales business management and research system.docx

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基金销售业务管理与研究系统的设计与实现-design and implementation of fund sales business management and research system

摘要摘要证券投资基金作为一种现代化的投资工具,其具有专家理财、投资风险分 散、收益相对较高的特点,使其在中国证券市场得到飞速发展,日益成为中 国广大投资者进行投资的重要投资工具。为适合不同投资者不同风险偏好的 需求,证券投资基金的品种在不断地发展,如货币市场基金、债券基金、股 票基金、指数基金、海外市场基金等。中国证券投资基金目前主要的销售方式是通过银行、证券公司及其它专业销 售机构进行销售,每年销售额数千亿元,销售机构所获销售费用非常可观。各销 售机构为扩大销售、争夺客户资源,进行着各种基金的努力。如何利用信息技术 和网络技术,通过建设基金销售业务系统,为投资者提供一种具有良好人性化、 交易方便、快捷的购买基金的通道,是各销售机构信息建设的一项重要工作。本文以中信建投证券公司基金销售业务管理与分析系统开发为例,分析了基 金销售业务组织结构、主要业务流程,然后进行统一建模和优化。在需求分析和 功能建模的基础上,结合数据库相关理论及销售业务的实际情况,进行了系统数 据库的概念设计和逻辑设计。最后设计和实现了中信建投证券基金销售业务管理 与分析系统。企业积累了越来越多的销售数据,“数据爆炸但知识贫乏”的现象日益突出。 本文提出了一种基于CAMM分类算法的数据挖掘算法建立了客户行为特征分析模 型,通过该模型指导基金销售。经过验证,该模型具有较高的可信度。关 键 词:基金,管理与分析系统,分类算法IAbstractABSTRACTAs a modern investment tool, Securities Investment Fund with the characteristics of professional financing, dispersive investment risk and relative high profit, has obtained the fast development in Chinas securities market and increasingly become important for investors. There are varieties of securities investment funds for investors with different needs of risk preferences such as Money Market Funds, Bond Funds, Equity Funds, Index Fund, QDII, etc.The main mode that selling securities investment funds through banks, securities firms and other professional sales organizations has the sales of several hundred billion dollars every year so that these sales organizations always obtain the very considerable gain. They compete with each other to sell various funds and scramble for the resource of customers. Thereby, it is an important task to provide investors with a type of friendly, convenient and fast channel of purchasing funds through selling system with the use of information and network technology.Case of this dissertation is the development of the fund sales management and analysis system of the CSC. After analyzing the organizational structure of the fund sales and the main operational flow, we optimized the system with a uniform model. Based on the requirements analysis and functional modeling, the notional and logistic design of a systematic datab



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