基桩超声波检测频域分析的应用分析-application analysis of frequency domain analysis of pile ultrasonic testing.docx
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基桩超声波检测频域分析的应用分析-application analysis of frequency domain analysis of pile ultrasonic testing
AbstractIn recent pile ultrasonic testing, it is a routine to conduct a time-domain analysis on the signals received. Important parameters such as sonic time, head wave amplitude, dominant frequency and waveform are used to judge the integrity of piles. However, other information like spectral are not well exploited. The majority of the domestic and oversea research works on ultrasonic spectra are based on tests. The validity of the results is still unsubstantiated due to the variation of test conditions and test methods. Therefore, systematic theoretical analyses and numerical simulation are needed in the application of ultrasonic spectral analysis in pile tests. In this thesis, the ANSYS/LS-DYNA is used to perform the numerical simulation in ultrasonic frequency domain, and an emphasis is put on the frequency domain characteristics of ultrasonic waves.Firstly, the selection of ultrasonic vibration source is discussed, and the spectral characteristics of vibration source manipulated by different window function are investigated. By analyzing the characteristics of different window function, the reasonable window functions are selected. And the way to reduce spectral leakage and improve the resolution of frequency domain is also investigated. Then, the propagation of ultrasonic wave in the pile is simulated using LS-DYNA, and the propagation law of ultrasonic wave in concrete pile is analyzed, and the pile vibration law is also validated by the calculation of wave velocity. Based on the above work, a spectral analysis of signals received at different transactions of pile is conducted. And the spectral information is discussed. A detailed parametric study is given to investigate the influence of transaction geometry, testing method, test location, test distance and defect on the results, and the correspondent laws are summarized. Finally, the numerical results are verified by the site test results, and correspondent suggestions of practical ultrasonic testing are als
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