集团化幼儿园发展模式与运行现状分析——以辽宁省为例-analysis on the development mode and operation status of collectivized kindergartens - taking liaoning province as an example.docx
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集团化幼儿园发展模式与运行现状分析——以辽宁省为例-analysis on the development mode and operation status of collectivized kindergartens - taking liaoning province as an example
集团化幼儿园发展模式与运行现状研究——以辽宁省为例中文摘要当下,学前教育资源严重不足、城乡发展不平衡、幼儿“入园难”、“入园贵” 等问题,是各级政府急需解决的现实问题。国家颁布的多项政策均提出发展学前 教育应坚持公益性和普惠性的原则,指出学前教育的资源应通过多种形式来扩 大,努力实进而现兼顾城乡、合理布局的良好态势。例如,公办优质幼儿园办分 园、兼并薄弱园、合作共同办园、社会力量参与办园等形式。“集团化幼儿园” 作为扩大学前教育资源的形式之一,如何使其在发展中“彰显自身优势,弱化不 足,形成特色”是实现优质教育资源辐射的关键。本研究通过对集团化幼儿园发 展模式的类型划分、对其运行现状的特点分析,试图探索更为完善的发展集团化 幼儿园的办园道路,以期为满足现实需要、扩大优质学前教育资源的辐射范围提 供有益的理论探索。研究结果表明:1.集团化幼儿园发展模式研究(1)通过对辽宁省集团化幼儿园进行系统、深度的研究。主要从不同视角 对集团化幼儿园发展模式的类型进行划分,其中,从“产生形式”方面划分,可 划分为“品牌复制型”、“积累拓展型”、“投资连锁型”以及“多元混合型”等四 大类型。而从“成员特征”方面划分,可得出“名园+新园”、“名园+乡园”、“名 园+名企”以及“品牌+地产”等四大类型。(2)根据政府权力、园所自身力量以及市场力量在集团化幼儿园形成过程 中力量的不均衡导致各类集团化幼儿园的运行特点存在一定的差异性,但总的来 说,辽宁省集团化幼儿园的发展模式成“多元化”发展趋势。2.集团化幼儿园运行现状研究(1)探索集团化幼儿园运行机制的各个因素,主要由资源共享与统筹机制、 质量监管与保障机制、目标与沟通过机制、激励机制、公益与普惠机制、竞争机 制六个因素构成,各因素内涵均具有具体性和独立性,且依存于集团化幼儿园运 行机制这一整体。(2)分析出不同发展模式的集团化幼儿园在运行机制的各个方面所存在的 共同点与不同点。最后,并针对集团化幼儿园运行机制中存在的主要问题提出对 策性建议。关键词:集团化幼儿园,发展模式,运行现状A Study on the Development Patterns and Operation Status of Collectivized Kindergartens-- A Case Study of Liaoning ProvinceAbstractAt present, there are so many realistic problems which need to be solved urgently by the government at all levels, such as serious shortage of pre-school education resources, uneven development between urban and rural areas, difficulties in going to kindergartens, high tuition, etc. A number of policies promulgated by the government put forward that the development of preschool education should adhere to the principle of public welfare and universality emphasizing the expansion of pre-school education resources in a variety of forms to establish pre-school education public service system covering urban and rural areas with rational layout. Our government also proposes development goals, such as “expanding pre-school education resources in a variety of forms, encouraging high quality public kindergartens to set up branches, merging weak kindergarten or cooperating, encouraging social forces to build kindergartens in a variety of forms etc. Collectivized kindergarten as one of the forms
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