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* Theoretical Analysis of Love as attachment Advantages of the attachment perspective (1) the attachment framework provides a developmental perspective: differing orientations to romantic love are seen as originating in early social experiences, and the mediating processes involving mental models of attachment can account for both the continuity of early relational patterns and the possibility of change. ?romantic love is not as an isolated phenomenon but as an integral part of human affectional bonding. * Theoretical Analysis of Love as attachment Advantages of the attachment perspective (2) The theory is sufficiently broad to encompass a range of relationship issues such as love, anxiety, loneliness, and grief, i.e., attachment theory deals with issues related to the experience of love; these include the effect of love relationships on other personal relationships and on work projects, and the effects of separation and loss. * Theoretical Analysis of Love as attachment Advantages of the attachment perspective (3) The attachment perspective is a parsimonious one that enables both healthy and unhealthy forms of love to be explained in terms of the same general principles The various forms of love are seen as originating as predictable adaptations to specific social circumstances. * The first empirical studies of love as attachment: Hazan Shaver (1987) Two questionnaire-based studies of adult samples investigating the association between attachment style and aspects of childhood and adult relationships. The first sample was large and broadly based, consisting of respondents to a “love quiz” presented in a local newspaper The second was a sample of undergraduate students * The first empirical studies of love as attachment: Hazan Shaver (1987) Results: (1) Relative frequencies of the three attachment styles closely approximate those observed among infants. (2) Persons endorsing the different attachment styles differed in attachment history, endorsement of items de


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