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致礼欢迎安全检查 女士们、先生们: 欢迎您乘坐天合联盟成员中国南方航空CZ 航班前往______(中途降落______ ) 我们十分高兴与南航明珠会员再次见面。 本次航班的机长______主任/乘务长______安保组长______(日/韩/法/澳/荷兰籍乘务员)及同全体机组成员,向您致以最诚挚的问候。 [动作:乘务员鞠躬] [延误:今天由于______(飞机晚到/旅客行李未装完/装货等侍/临时加餐/等待随机文件/机场天气不符合飞行标准/航路交通管制/机场跑道繁忙/等待旅客登机)的原因,造成延误,耽误了您的宝贵时间,对此我们深表歉意。] (播放安全演示录像航班) [非380 机型] 您今天乘坐的______飞机共有______个紧急出口,分别位于客舱的前部、中部和后部。[动作:乘务员指示前、中、后出口]请您辨识离您最近的出口。 [380 机型] 您今天乘坐的A380 飞机共有16 个紧急出口,主层客舱10 个,上层客舱6 个,分别位于客舱的前部、中部和后部。[ 动作:乘务员指示前、中、后出口] 请您辨识离您最近的出口。 Ladies and Gentlemen , welcome aboard China Southern Airlines ,a member of SkyTeam . Our flight CZ______from ______to______ (via ______). It is our great p1easure to greet our Sky Pearl CIub frequent fliers again . Captain______. ( Chief ) Purser ______ Security Team Leader ______and the entire cabin crew ( including ______ Japanese / Korean / French / Australian / Dutch flight attendants) are pleased to have you onboard with us . [ Delay :We apologize for the delay due to ______ ( aircrafts late arrival / waiting for cargo or passengers baggage to be loaded /catering service/waiting for the flight documents / unfavorable weather conditions / air traffic control / airport runway congestion / passengers late arrival ) , and we thank you for your understanding and cooperation . ] ( Flight with safety video ) [not 380] Today , we are flying ______ ( aircraft type). There are ______ emergency exits on this aircraft . They are located in the front , the middle and the rear of the cabin respectively . [ Action : Cabin crew indicate front / middle / rear exit ] Please note your nearest exit . [ 380 ] Today , you are flyjng Airbus 380 . There are 16 emergency exits on this aircraft, 10 in the main deck/and 6 in the upper deck . They are located in the front , the middle and the rear of the cabin respectively . [ Action : Cabin crew indicate front / middle/rear exit ] Please note your nearest exit . 现在,客舱乘务员进行/起飞前的安全确认。 [动作:乘务员开始安全检查] [非787 机型] 请将安全带系好,调直座椅靠背、收起小桌板(及脚踏板),将遮光板保持在打开状态。 [ 787 机型] 请将安全带


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