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24. The following medications can cause conjunctival pigmentation: A. betaxolol B. dipivefrine C. azetazolamide D. pilocarpine E. bromonidine29. The blood pressure of a 65-year-old male is well controlled by a Ca2+ channel blocker that is used to treat his essential hypertension. When placed on cimetidine to control symptoms related to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), he has episodes of dizziness. How does cimetidine’s effect on Ca2+ channel blockers account for the dizziness?A. It increases their rate of intestinal absorptionB. It decreases their plasma protein bindingC. It decreases their volume of distributionD. It decreases their metabolism by cytochrome P450E. It decreases their tubular renal secretion30. Which of the following best describes diltiazem’s effect on digoxin?A. It decreases digoxin metabolismB. It decreases digoxin renal excretionC. It decreases digoxin plasma protein bindingD. It decreases digoxin intestinal absorptionE. It decreases digoxin sensitivity at its site of action29. Formed by sequential enzymatic cleavage by rennin and then peptidyl dipeptidase (kinase Ⅱ)A. Angiotensin I B. Angiotensin ⅡC. Clonidine D.LosartanE. Captopril30. Lowers blood pressure in hypertensive patients by inhibition of peptidyl dipeptidaseA. IndapamideB. AmlodipineC. ClonidineD. LosartanE. Captopril41. Significant relaxation of smooth muscle of both venules and arterioles is produced by which of the following drugs? F. HydralazineG. MinoxidilH. Diazoxide I. Sodium nitroprussideJ. Nifedipine42. In a hypertensive patient who is taking insulin to treat diabetes, which of the following drugs is to be used with extra caution and advice to the patient?E. HydralazineF. PrazosinG. GuanethidineH. PropranololI. Methyldopa41. It is customary today to classify antiarrhythmic drugs according to their mechanism of action. This is best defined by intracellular recordings that yield monophasic action potentials. For the following drugs, choose the best appropriate drug to mo


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