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lecture 1 简述

A History of Translation Lecturer Pan Xuzhou Introduction to the course Basic requirements Recommended reference books Reference Books 马祖毅. 中国翻译简史 . 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2004. 王克非. 翻译文化史论 . 上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997. 陈福康. 中国译学理论史稿 . 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2006. 谢天振. 中西翻译简史. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2009. 谭载喜. 西方翻译简史. 北京: 商务印书馆, 2004. Lecture 1 Similarities between translation in China and the West Differences between translation in China and the West Similarities between translation in China and the West Close relationship with religion “the original comes first” “faithfulness” Same function in spreading knowledge Arabian translation of ancient Greek and Roman classics Science and Technology translation in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Great assistance to the establishment and development of national languages translation of Bible in German and English translation of Buddhist Script in Chinese Important role in bringing foreign culture Differences between translation in China and the West Different roles played by religion in respective social and political life Different development of translation theories critical thinking VS practical experience Descriptions of the earliest translation in China and the West Origins of translation language Fragments of translation activities in Xia Dynasty “夏后即位七年,于夷来宾。” “少康即位三年,方夷来宾。” ----《册府元龟》 周代有关翻译(口译)的明确记载 周公居摄六年,制礼作乐,天下和平。交趾之南,有越裳国以三象胥而献白雉,曰:“道路遥远,山川阻深,音使不通,故重译而朝。” --《册府元龟》《外臣部·朝贡》 周代对翻译人员的不同称呼 五方之民,言语不通,嗜欲不同。达其志,同其欲,东方曰寄,南方曰象,西方曰狄鞮 ,北方曰译。--《礼记·王制》 寄,言传寄外内语言; 象者,言放象外内之言; 狄鞮者,鞮知也,谓通传夷狄语与中国相知; 译,陈也,谓陈说外内之言。 象寄、鞮译 “反舌,夷语与中国相反,因谓反舌。” 舌人,能达异方之志,象胥之职也。 “翻译”说法的来由 “疑汉以来,多事北方,故‘译’名烂熟矣” --《宋高僧传》 “翻”字出现于东汉摩腾之译《四十二章》 “翻译”连用则于南北朝时期的佛经翻译 (参谢天振第六页) 战国时期有关笔译的明确记载 《越人歌》 今夕何夕兮,搴qiān舟中流。 今日何日兮,得与王子同舟。 蒙羞被好兮,不訾zī诟耻。 心几顽而不绝兮,得知王子。 山有木兮木有枝, 心悦君兮君不知。 ----刘向《说苑》    译文    今夜是什么夜晚啊,我能操桨于此洲流;   今天是什么日子啊,我有幸能与王子同舟。   含羞怀情啊,不顾诟骂羞耻,   心里多么痴迷不止啊,盼见王子。   山有树啊树有枝,心里爱慕着您呀您却不知。 中国早期译论--孔子的翻译思想 公曰:“寡人欲学小辩,以观于政,其可乎?”子曰:


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