吉林省农村信用社借款合同翻译loan agreement.doc

吉林省农村信用社借款合同翻译loan agreement.doc

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吉林省农村信用社借款合同翻译loan agreement

JILIN PRIVINCE RURAL CREDIT UNION LOAN AGREEMENT Contract No.:xxxxxxxx JILIN PROVINCE RURAL CREDIT LOAN AGEEMENT Borrower(Party A):Jilin province Ganzhi ginseng production Co., Ltd. Add.: No.xxxxx, xxxx Street, xxxxx district, xxxxxx city Zip Code:135000 Legal representative(Person in charge): ID card No.Fax: Phone: Opening bank and account number: Lender(Party B): Add.: Zip Code: Legal representative(Person in charge): Fax: Phone: According to the loan application of Party A, it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows on the bases of equality, voluntary participation, fairness, honesty and reliability under the Contract Law of the PRC, General Provisions of Loans, administrative provisions of RMB Interest Rate, Guidelines on loan administration of Jilin Province rural credit union(trial): Article 1 Amount of Loan Party B granted RMB xxxxxxxxxx (amount in words) of loan to Party A. Article 2 Use of the Loan Party A applies for the loan for the use of refunding, Party A shall not change the use of loan without the written consent of the party B. Article 3 Term of borrowing The loan term is 23 months, that is from Sep. 10th ,2010 to Aug. 10th ,2012. Subject to the date of actual granting recorded on the loan note or due bill for the first time if the starting date of this agreement’s term is different from the date of loan note or due bill, expiry date shall be adjusted accordingly. The loan note and the due bill are integral parts of this agreement, and shall have the same binding force as this agreement itself. Article 4 Loan interest rate, penalty interest rate, interest accrual and settle interests. Loan interest rate: The loan interest rate here is annual interest rate, refer to the second one of the followings: a. Fixed rate: that is Benchmark Interest Rate on Value Date (Upward or downward fluctuation) %, which remains unchanged within the borrowing time limit;


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