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《 计算机科学导论 》课程
2008~学期 期 考试时间 120分钟 考核方式 学生类别 人数 适用专业或科类 计算机与信息科学学院各专业 年级 2008 级 题号 合计 得分 签名 阅卷须知:阅卷用红色墨水笔书写,得分用阿拉伯数字写在每小题题号前,用正分表示,不得分则在题号前写0;大题得分登录在对应的分数框内;统一命题的课程应集体阅卷,流水作业;阅卷后要进行复核,发现漏评、漏记或总分统计错误应及时更正;对评定分数或统分记录进行修改时,修改人必须签名。
一. Single Choice(30 Points)
1. The most widely used handheld computer is .
a) Minicomputer
b) RAM
c) PDA
d) Modem
2. The most widely used Web protocol is
a) http://
b) URL
d) ISP
3. The two basic parts of URLs, the second part presents the name of the server, it is ______.
a) Client
b) Server
c) the domain name
d) the protocol
4. Word processors and spreadsheets are examples of applications.
a) special-purpose
b) artificial intelligence
c) multimedia
d) general-purpose
5. The term refer to criminals that are specialize in stealing, trading, and using credit cards over the Internet .
a) clients
b) carders
c) agents
d) telneters
6. The largest network in the world is called the
a) Internet
b) Web
c) WWW
d) World Wide Web
7. General-purpose applications are also known as .
a) software suites
b) special-purpose applications
c) advanced applications
d) basic applications
8. When you copy a paragraph from Word to a PowerPoint presentation, the Word document is the
a) hyperlink
b) OLE file
c) source file
d) destination file
9. In a relational database, data is organized into .
a) fields
b) tables
c) rows
d) records
10. A database field that uniquely identifies each record is called the .
a) ID number
b) primary key
c) legend
d) explanation field
11. In commerce, individuals typically sell to other individuals without ever meeting face-to-face.
a) C2C
b) B2C
c) B2B
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