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物流自考论文标准格式示例 毕业设计(论文)由8个部分组成: ①毕业设计(论文)封面;(封面按省考试院的要求填写,直接从自考办网上下载) ②标题; ③中外文摘要; ④目录; ⑤正文; ⑥谢辞; ⑦参考文献; ⑧附录。(此部分如果没有可以不用写) 其中 页眉为“物流管理毕业论文”,五号宋体居中 页脚为页码五号宋体居中,从正文开始计数 各个部分格式要求见下面的批注! 我国绿色物流系统建设的现状与对策 摘 要 现代企业对物流的研究不仅仅在于对物流流程的优化和重组,它们越来越重视在企业可持续发展战略的前提下对绿色系统建设的重要性及其意义。发展绿色物流不仅仅是为了成本控制,而是关系到企业生产发展方式的转变,全面支持企业的可持续发展战略,实现企业与社会,与环境的和谐相处。 首先阐述并重点针对绿色物流系统进行了分析与描述,分析其与一般绿色系统的不同之处。然后分析了我国绿色物流系统建设的现状及其中国绿色物流发展存在的不足,其次分析了我国绿色物流系统建设的市场空间,要扩大其市场空间必需加强绿色营销,再次分析了企业实施绿色物流系统的障碍,并对每一障碍具体分析,再次阐述了企业实施绿色物流系统的必要性,实施绿色物流对企业可持续发展战略的重大意义,最后针对我国物流企业存在的问题,结合具体案例,提出了基于企业成本最低化的绿色物流系统建设的具体方式与步骤 关键词:绿色物流系统 绿色营销 成本最低化 Construction of green logistics system and Countermeasures ABSTRACT The study of modern logistics enterprise lies not only in the logistics process optimization and restructuring, which more and more attention in the corporate strategy of sustainable development under the premise of the importance of green building system and its significance. Not only for the development of green logistics cost control, but rather to change the way production and development of a comprehensive strategy to support sustainable development of enterprises, enterprise and society, in harmony with the environment. First described the concept of Green Logistics and the significance of business development, focusing on green logistics system were analyzed and described, analyzed with the general eco-system differences. And analysis of Chinas green construction system, the status of logistics and green logistics development in China shortcomings, followed by analysis of the system construction of Chinas logistics market for green space, to expand its market space necessary to strengthen the green marketing, re-analysis of the logistics enterprises to implement green barriers, and a detailed analysis of each disorder, once again set the business necessity of implementing green logistics systems, implementing green logistics strategies for sustainable development of enterprises of great significance, and fi


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