Unit9 How was your weekend优质公开课.ppt

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Unit9 How was your weekend优质公开课

动词一般过去时,表示过去发生的事; be用was或用were, have,has变had; 谓语动词过去式,过去时间作标志; 一般动词加-ed,若是特殊得硬记。 否定句很简单,主语之后didn’t添; 疑问句也不难,did放在主语前; 如果谓语之前有did,谓语动词需还原; 动词若是was,were,否定就把not添。 * * Yesterday Once More When I was young Id listen to the radio waiting for my favorite songs When they played Id sing along It made me smile Those were such happy times and not so long ago How I wondered where theyd gone but theyre back again just like a long lost friend All the songs I loved so well Every sha-la-la-la Every wo-wo still shine Every shinga-linga-ling That they started to sing so fine When they get to the part Where hes breaking her heart It can really make me cry just like before Its yesterday once more Unit 9 How was your weekend? 1.What do you usually do everyday? 2.What do you often do on weekends? Review: I play soccer on weekends. I play basketball last weekend. ed Task 1: 1. I play tennis on weekends. 2. I clean my room on weekends. 3. I stay at home on weekends. I tennis my room at home last weekend. played cleaned stayed I tennis my room at home last weekend. played cleaned stayed 我是动词的一种新形式,我的名字叫过去式,常用于一般过去时,知道我一般是如何构成的吗? Yes, good job! 但也有特殊的,大家能在下面的句子中找到我的身影吗? 1. I did my homework yesterday. 2. He went to the movie last Sunday. 3. I/She was very busy last weekend. 4. They were very busy last weekend. do go am/is are Task 2: 1. Match the activities with the pictures in 1A Practice the conversation and make new coversations. 3. Listening. Bob: Hey, Lucy. Lucy: Hi, Bob. Bob: How was your weekend? Lucy: It was great. Bob: So, What did you do? Lucy: Well, on Saturday morning I played tennis, on Saturday _________ I went to the beach, and on _______ night I went to the movies. Bob: Cool. Lucy: Then, on ________ morning, I cleaned my room. On Sunday _________, I played soccer, and on Sunday _______, I did my homework. afternoon Saturday Sunday afternoon night Task 3: Group work 集思广益,初识一般过去时: 2. Notice


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