Down amp; Up of Credit Card Industry in Korea韩国信用卡业地启....pptVIP

Down amp; Up of Credit Card Industry in Korea韩国信用卡业地启....ppt

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Credit Card Industry in Korea Situation just before crisis 危机前的状况 * fgfh Credit Card Industry in Korea Increasing personal insolvency 个人破产案件增加 2000 2002 2003 2004.8 Total 合计 2,084 2,636 3,720 3,685 Related to credit card与信用卡有关的 444 1,494 2,397 2,480 (Thousand people) ? Rising past due ratio (excluding rescheduled debt) 逾期贷款率增加(不包括债务重新安排的情况) End of 2001 End of 2002 End of 2003 2.0% 5.9% 13.6% * fgfh Credit Card Industry in Korea Declining net income of credit card companies 信用卡机构净收入下降 2001 2002 2003.1 2,073 -218 -344 (million U$ 百万美元) * fgfh * * * * Down Up of Credit Card Industry in Korea 韩国信用卡业的启示 Dae Young Kim Financial Supervisory Service Republic of Korea 韩国金融监管委员会 * fgfh Credit Card Industry in Korea What happened in early 2003 to Korean Credit Card Businesses 2003年初,韩国信用卡业告诉我们的故事 * fgfh Credit Card Industry in Korea Market situation 市场状况 ◇ SK Global event (February 2003) SK Global 事件(2003年2月) ? Family owner was arrested as a suspect of accounting fraud 家族产业所有人因涉嫌财务欺诈被捕。 ? Investors of Money Market Fund which invested in debt instruments issued by SK Global suffered loss. 投资SK Global债券的货币市场基金投资者遭受巨大损失。 ◇ Investors getting more sensitive about overissued credit card companies’ bonds 投资者对信用卡机构滥发债券行为十分敏感。 ? Increasing concern about credit card companies’ loss 市场对信用卡机构的关注增加。 * fgfh Market getting deep 市场陷入低谷 ◇ Investors began to redeem investment trust funds in the fear of loss 投资者担心亏损,开始将信托投资基金变现。 ◇ Investment trust companies had to sell or stop rolling over credit card bonds 信托投资公司不得不出售或停止购买信用卡债券。 ◇ Other institutional investors were deeply concerned about their investment positions in credit card bonds。 其他机构投资者对其在信用卡债券方面的投资状况十分焦虑。 Credit Card Industry in Korea * fgfh Credit Card Industry in Korea Resource of funds ( 8 credit card companies combined as of Dec31 2002 (in Million US dolar, %)资金来源(2002年12月31日前8家信用卡机构综合数据) (百万美元,%) Liabilities负债 51,728 91.12 Current Liabilities流动负债


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