Topic 8 第八讲: Project management项目的管理.pptVIP

Topic 8 第八讲: Project management项目的管理.ppt

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Topic 8 第八讲: Project management项目的管理.ppt

Topic 8 第八讲: Project management 项目管理 Marshall Breeding Director for Innovative Technologies and Research Vanderbilt University /breeding Redefining Libraries: Web 2.0 and other Challenges May 2007 Xiamen, China * fgfh Project management 项目管理 Why do projects succeed? 项目为甚么会成功? Why do projects fail? 项目为甚么会失败? * fgfh Objectives 目标 Better skills in managing projects 提高项目管理技巧 Develop realistic timelines 建立实际时间表 Manage expectations 管理期望 Avoid problems with mismanaged projects 避免因项目管理不当而产生问题 Better delegation of responsibilities 更有效地授予责任 * fgfh Project characteristics 项目特式 Task of finite duration 有限时间内的任务 Not a permanent activity 并非永久的活动 Produces a new product, service or other result 制造一个新的产品,一项新的服务或其它成果 * fgfh Project management 项目管理 Applies structured techniques to facilitate a more efficient approach to planning an executing a project 运用建构技巧以助采取更有效的方法去计划和执行项目 Applies organizational structure 运用组织架构 A more analytic approach 更着重分析的方法 * fgfh Organizational structure 组织架构 Project leader – the person responsible for the overall planning execution of the project 项目领导 ─ 负责整体计划执行项目的人 Project team – Other individuals assigned to work on the project 项目组 ─ 其它获分派项目工作的成员 * fgfh Project Plan 项目计划 A document that guides the execution of the project. 执行项目的指引文件 Approved by stakeholders or persons in authority 由相关利益者或当权者批核 States the desired outcomes, assumptions 由此项目希望得到的结果、假设 General timeline or schedule 一般时间表或进度表 Varies in detail according to the complexity of the project 因项目的复杂程度而有所不同 * fgfh Stakeholders 相关利益者 Individuals or organizations with a direct interest in the outcome of the project 与项目结果有直接利益的个人或机构 May or may not have authority in how the project is carried out 可能有或没有权力影响项目如何进行 Source of important information about the potential impact of the project 关于项目潜在影响的重要资料来源 * fgfh Champion 项目负责人 An individual with a vested interest in the project 项目的既得利益者 May be the person who initiates the project 可能是倡议项目者 May have high-level oversight 可有高层次的监督权限 Ma


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