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Chapter Five Who Gains and Who Loses from Trade ? 国际贸易的福利效应 Contents The Stolper-Samuelson theorem The factor price equalization theorem The specific-factor model The Leontief Paradox 5.2 The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem 斯托尔帕 - 萨缪尔森定理 Long-run effects of trade on factor prices How Does Trade Affect Factor Price Opening trade Change in outputs Change in demand for inputs Change in factor prices Do Factor Prices Equalize Internationally ? There is a tendency toward equalization. * * 5.1 Introduction Chapter Objective To understand the effects of international trade on the welfare of different factor owners, and the effectiveness of the H-O theory. The short- and long-run effects The short-run effect The Long-run effect Wolfgang Stolper Paul Samuelson Ann Arbor, MI, November 1991 Trade and Factor Price ( Labor-Abundant Country A ) (a) Labor Market (b) Capital Market O LA L O KA K wA w0 w2 LA KA r2 r0 DL1 DL2 DL0 DK0 DK2 DK1 rA Magnification Effect 放大效应 PX = aLX ? w + aKX ? r PY = aLY ? w + aKY ? r (Assumption: Input coefficients don’t change) The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem A change in the price of a good changes, in the same direction but more than proportionally, the price of the factors used intensively in the good’s production. Effects of Trade on Real Factor Prices Labor-Abundant Country A Factor Prices: w ; r Purchasing Power: w ; r Capital-Abundant Country B Factor Prices: w ; r Purchasing Power: w ; r Trade Policy Implications To enjoy overall gains from trade, the government of a trading nation should consider compensation for the losers. 5.3 The Factor Price Equalization Theorem (Samuelson, 1948) 要素价格均等化定理 Labor-abundant Country A Wage Rental Rate Capital-abundant Country B Wage Rental Rate The Factor Price Equalization Theorem Under the assumptions of the H-O theo


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