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一 促销 (Promotion) Dialogue 3 贸易原则 (Business principle) Our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. They’re very popular with the users there. 我们的产品行销海外许多地区,很受那里用户的欢迎。 大厅里的展品确实看来很引人注目 The exhibits in the hall certainly look attractive. We’re sure they will go down well in your market, too. 我们确信这些产品也会在你们的市场上走俏 。 我愿意试销你们的产品,不过交货必须和样品相符。 I am willing to give your products a try ,but your delivery must be up to sample. Certainly. It’s our principle in business to “Honor the contract and keep our promise”. 那当然。 “重合同、守信用”是我们经营业务的原则。 订了货通常需要多长时间可以装运。 How long does it take you to make delivery? It’s hard to say. It depends on what you choose and how many you want. 这很难说,要根据你们所选择的商品和所需要的数量而定。 一 促销 (Promotion) Dialogue 4 提供技术资料 (Providing technical data) Here are some samples of different T-shirts. They’re available in all sizes. 这儿是一些不同款色的T恤衫样品.大小尺寸一应俱全。 唔……看上去挺漂亮。 Mm…They look very nice. Our T-shirts are well known for their fine quality. They’re a great favorite with young people anywhere. 我们的T恤衫以品质优良出名.不管哪儿的年轻人都喜欢它. 你知道韩国的T恤衫在我们市场上很吃香。 As you know T-shirts from Korea are very popular in our market. I won’t say others’ T-shirts are not attractive. But look at ours. You can see that they’re good in material, fashionable in design and superb in workmanship. 我不认为别人的T恤衫不引人注意, 不过请看我们的. 你可以看得出这T 恤衫用料讲究、款色新颖、工艺精湛。 看来质量不错。 但是价格太高了。 The quality seems all right. But your prices are too high. New Year Feast Like Christmas dinner, the New Year Feast is a family occasion.// It takes place on the Eve of New Years Day. Family members would get together for this special occasion, no matter how far away from home a member of the family might be.// If someone, for some reason or other, could not be home for the feast, a seat would be kept for him or her.// 年 夜 饭 就像西方的圣诞聚餐一样,中国的年夜饭也是全家的聚会。//通常是在除夕之夜吃年夜饭,每个家庭成员,不管他离家多远,都会赶回家吃年夜饭的。//如果有人确实不能回来,那也要为他(她)在桌边留一个空位。// 年夜饭至少要有10-12道菜,一般要吃上几个小时。//传统的菜包括一只鸡,一条鱼,还有豆腐以及


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