精品-中考英语专项练习六 完成句子.doc

精品-中考英语专项练习六 完成句子.doc

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精品-中考英语专项练习六 完成句子

中考英语专项练习六 完成句子 ?  一、用所给单词或短语的正确形式填空,每个限用一次(20分) A   make a mistake, regard…as…, score, understand, be, make up one’s mind, learn, where, deserve, to one’s surprise   1.I used ________ him ________ an honest man.   2.It is easy to do, but it is hard ________.   3.He needs someone ________ for him.   4.We ________ ten English songs by the end of last week.   5.Those people ________ our help.   6.________, he finished the work in time.   7.This is the house ________ we lived last year.   8.________ you ever ________ to London before you studied there?   9.In the second half, the boys were the first ________.   10.Don’t be afraid of ________. B what, unlucky, either…or…, so…that…, from then on, at least, laugh, no matter, do one’s best, carry on   11.________ it’ll take you two days to get there on foot.   12.She makes you ________ and you love her very much.   13.________ where she is, I must find her.   14.He ________ to run faster, but he failed.   15.Rising costs made it hard ________ the business.   16.________, he hasn’t seen his uncle again.   17.He is ________ a keeper ________ a vat.   18.He was ________ excited ________ he could not say a word.   19.This is the ________ day of my life.   20.It is important to do ________ the doctor tells you.   二、完成句子(80分)   1.这些用石头砌成的桥非常美观。   These bridges which are ________ ________ stones look very beautiful.   2.雨下得越大, 他跑得越快。   ________ ________ it rained, the faster he was running.   3.他年轻时喜欢游泳胜过爬山。   He ________ swimming ________ climbing when he was young.   4.这个国家的四分之三由森林覆盖。   Three fourths of the country ________ ________ by forests.   5.没有什么能阻止他去那儿。   Nothing can ________ him ________ going there.   6.这台电脑她买三年了。   She ________ ________ the ________ ________three years ago.   7.中国的人口比日本的多得多。   The ________ of China is ________ ________ than ________ of Japan.   8.我发现很难对物理产生兴趣。   I find ________ hard ________ become ________ ________ physics.   9.他直到病重才戒烟。   He didn’t ________ ________ smok


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