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Unit 1 Lead-in 1 human? being?s 2 power?ed 3 green?house? 4 far away 5 make a diffe?rence? 6 breat?he in 7 decre?asing? perfo?rmanc?e 8 four inche?s high 9 campa?ign 10 encou?rage Ex 3 1 B 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 D Ex 4 issue?s, pollu?tion, defor?estat?ion, relat?ed, consu?mptio?n, resou?rces, threa?t, respo?nsibi?lity Ex 5 1 addic?ted—smoki?ng 2 envir?onmen?t—conce?rn 3 exper?t—wisdo?m 4 posse?ssion?—greed? 5 resou?rces—inexh?austi?ble Ex.6 1 strat?egies? 2 speci?fic 3 consu?mers 4 relea?sed 5 trapp?ed 6 conse?quenc?e 7 was isola?ted 8 prior?ity 9 conve?nienc?e 10 eleme?nts Ex7 1 trans?form 2 all the way 3 sit back 4 resul?ting from 5 share?…with Ex.8 1 How did the war, which? broug?ht terri?ble disas?ters to manki?nd, impac?t on such a poet? 2 Mothe?rs are somet?imes blind? to the fault?s of their? belov?ed child?ren, which? will cause? the child?ren to make the same mista?ke again?. 3 As a new immig?rant in this compl?etely? stran?ge count?ry, she alway?s felt isola?ted. 4 Actin?g befor?e think?ing often? resul?ts in failu?re, so we shoul?d think? befor?e we leap. 5 The time for talki?ng is past; we must take posit?ive actio?n to prote?ct our envir?onmen?t. Ex.9 1 Take two pills? each time and three? times? a day and you will be well in a few days. 2 He is not impat?ient; he is just too tired?. 3 Once water? short?age reach?es the point? of no retur?n, there? will be nothi?ng left to be done but aband?on the city. 4 We’d like to share? our exper?ience? in city plann?ing with every? repre?senta?tive here and show them what is speci?al of our innov?ation?s. 5 We can’t just sit back and do nothi?ng about? incre?asing?ly serio?us traff?ic probl?ems. Ex 12 1 D 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 B Ex. 13 1 subtl?e 2 were overt?aken 3 speci?es 4 decad?es 5 bound?aries? 6 audio? 7 direc?tly 8 focus? 9 tone 10 cuppe?d Ex. 14 1 at that rate 2 For the sake of 3 come to 4 by hand 5 vice v


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