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第一组(共3篇): (A) (CCTV 9, Octob?er 16,2003) CHINA? launc?hed its first? manne?d space?ship into space? at 9 yeste?rday morni?ng. Yang Liwei?, 38, is the first? space?man of China?. He was chose?n from 14 pilot?s after? many diffi?cult tests?. The ship circl?ed the earth? 14 times? in about? 20 hours?. CHINA? will send two more astro?nauts? into space? next year. This time, they will stay up there? for five to seven? days testi?ng the space?ship. Fourt?een astro?nauts? are now train?ing for the trip. Last Octob?er, Sheng?zhou V made China? the third? natio?n to send a man into space?. (China? Daily?, April? 6,2004) THE 2008 Olymp?ic Games? will get some help from space?. Next May, China? will send a small? satel?lite into space?. It will watch? the Olymp?ic venue?s (场馆)as peopl?e build? them. The satel?lite will also help us to keep the envir?onmen?t clean?. It will stay in space? for 5 years?. (www.yahoo?.com May 2004) 根据以上三?则新闻内容?,选择最佳答?案。 ( )1. How many count?ries sent space?ship with man into space?? A. One B. Three? C. Two D. Four. ( )2. How long did Yang Liwei? stay in the space?? A. Seven? days. B. Five years?. C. About? five days. D. About? twent?y hours?. ( )3. When will China? send up a satel?lite into space? to watch? the Olymp?ic venue?s? A. In May, 2005 B. In April?, 2008 C. In April?, 2005 D. In May, 2008. ( )4. How old is Yang Liwei? this year? A. 38 B. 40 C. 39 D. 37 ( )5. Accor?ding to (根据)the news above?, which? is right?? A. China? will send two more astro?nauts? into space? in 2006. B. Shenz?hou V was sent up into space? on Oct. 15,2003. C. China? has sent a space?ship with two peopl?e into space?. D. The satel?lite will only help us to keep the envir?onmen?t clean?. (B) Last week, 169 Junio?r 1 stude?nts at No. 35 Middl?e Schoo?l of Sheny?ang took their? first? no-teach?er exam. After? the teach?er hande?d out the exam paper?,


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