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《21世纪研?究生英语教?材》阅读教程 UNIT1?-6课后答案?及课文翻译? (上册) UNIT ONE The Belly? Burde?n Amand?a Spake? Key to Exerc?ises I. Readi?ng Compr?ehens?ion i 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. A ii (略) II Vocab?ulary? and Struc?ture i 1.Obesi?ty 2.circu?late 3.abdom?inal 4.break? down 5.morta?lity 6.varia?ble 7.resis?tance? 8.modif?ied 9.criti?cally? 10. inert? ii 1. inter?nist 2.suppl?ant. 3. willo?wy (twigg?y) 4.slow down 5.set off 6. nonch?alant?ly 7.accum?ulate? 8. unrav?el 9.culpr?it 10. affir?m III Cloze? 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. C 11. B 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. D 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. C IV Trans?latio?n i 1. 几个世纪以?来,妇女们始终?相信一条朴?实的真理:腰越细,生活就越好?—医学研究者?们如今正开?始了解这一?简单真理背?后的生理机?能。 2. 与腹部脂肪?是位于腰部?无所事事的?惰性软组织?这一观念相?反,腹部脂肪实?际上是一些?小的内分泌?工厂,会制造一些?把信息传送?给许多器官?的激素。 3. 医学解开代?谢之谜是脂?肪的难题尚?需数十年。医生们说,在此期间采?取的主要行?动是制止腰?部变粗。萨瓦德说:“我们每个人?都需要放慢?让自己体形?变得更像苹?果的过程。体形实在不?容忽视。” ii 1. Inter?net is an inter?activ?e netwo?rk on which? the custo?mers can relea?se news, join in discu?ssion?, and perfo?rm votin?g or even chatt?ing. Contr?ary to what I had thoug?ht, the atmos?phere? of the multi?natio?nal compa?ny was not easy and enjoy?able at all. After? sever?al days’ inves?tigat?ion, FBI agent?s found? all the evide?nce point?ed to his commi?tting? a murde?r. In 2004, the gover?nment? intro?duced? a raft of measu?res to slow the econo?my and paid speci?al atten?tion to the steel? secto?r. Our objec?tive is to explo?re an effec?tive way of AIDS educa?tion for colle?ge stude?nts, and to provi?de refer?ence for AIDS educa?tion model? in colle?ges in China?. V. Writi?ng (略) Key to Text B i 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. D 10.B ii 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 课文参考译?文 腹部的累赘? 新的研究指?出,腰围尺寸是?更好的健康?预报因素。 1. 你的腰带需?要多扎1个?—或三个—新孔吗?那个“肉肚”已使你系鞋?带都困难了?吗?衣服尺码又?发生了什么?变化?为什么腰部?周围的一切?都变得紧得?要命?当你躺床在?上屏住呼吸?努力把拉链?向上拉到尽?头时


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