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大学英语精?读第二册(第三版)book2?Unit1?答案?? 1. bare 2. empty? 3. empty? 4. bare 5. empty? 6.empty? 二) 1. short?ly 2.track? down 3.faint? 4.motio?ned 5.at the sight? of 6.feel like 7.slamm?ing 8.rang out 9.contr?act 10.made for 11.heate?d 12.emerg?ed 三) 1. host 2. spran?g up/rang out 3. impul?se 4. came to 5. track? down 6. unexp?ected? 7. outgr?ow 8. widen?ed 9. short?ly 10. emerg?e / sprin?g up 11. at the sight? of 12. made for 13. crisi?s 14. colon?ial 四) 1. Jimmy? has outgr?own the shirt?s his aunt made for him a few years? ago. 2. Does the docto?r think? the elder?ly lady is likel?y to survi?ve the opera?tion / it is likel?y that the elder?ly lady will survi?ve the opera?tion? 3. The other? day your cousi?n paid us an unexp?ected? visit?. 4. Dont you see the nurse? motio?ning us to be silen?t? 5. Her face lit up with joy at his retur?n. 6. The sound? of her foots?teps grew faint?er as she walke?d farth?er away. 五) 1. Addit?ional??? ??advan?tageo?us Anxio?us???? ??condi?tiona?l Coura?geous? ???curio?us Dange?rous?? ??educa?tiona?l Emoti?onal???? famou?s Indus?trial?????? inten?tiona?l Medic?al?????? mount?ionou?s Music?al?????? myste?rious? Natio?nal?????? occas?ional? Perso?nal?????? pract?ical 2. ?Heate?d????? color?ed pigta?iled???? gifte?d beard?ed????? point?ed exper?ience?d?? aged skill?ed?????? disea?sed 六) 1.The peopl?e quest?ioned? gave very diffe?rent opini?ons on the issue?. 2. Can you see the man climb?ing on that rock? 3. Sever?al days passe?d befor?e they came up with a satis?facto?ry solut?ion to the probl?ems discu?ssed. 4. We were woken? early? by the sound? of the birds? singi?ng. 5. The chair?man made it clear? that those? objec?ting shoul?d expla?in their? reaso?ns. 6. After? a day’s work, I felt I had littl?e energ?y left. 7. I knew of some of the athle?tes takin?g part. 8. The succe?ss obtai?ned surpr?ised those? who had given? up the proje?ct as impos?sible?. 七) 1. Durin?g the time that 2. As long as 3. Altho?ugh 4. as long as 5. where?as 6. Altho?ugh


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