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2018年全国大学生英语竞赛A、B、C、D类初赛答案及听力录音原文 2018 National English Competition for College Students (Level A - Preliminary) 参考答案及作文评分标准 Part I Listening Comprehension Section A 1— 5 BCACD Second B 6— 10 FTTFF 11— 15 CDBDA Second C 16— 20 ADBDC Second D 21. in detail 22. tents and huts 23. functional 24. occupants 25. artistic 26. these/the (following) questions 27. familiarity 28. information 29. a manageable size 30. the topic itself Part II Vocabulary Grammar 31— 35 CACBD 36— 40 AABCD 41— 45 ACCBD Part III Cloze 46. wealthy 47. running 48. which 49. flight 50. holiday 51. reminder 52. in 53. contact 54. through 55. officers Part IV Reading Comprehension Section A 56. a cure for baldness 57. lose weight 58. C, K and A 59. crisp undamaged 60. 28 days Section B 61— 65 BFDGC Section C 66. Because they re now guaranteed a fair price for their honey. 67. His small house and a couple of bicycles. 68. It s made of cylindrical sections of tree bark. 69. The wild flowers, including orchids, the bees feast on. 70. Within a month. Section D 71. broader 72. environmental 73. climate/weather 74. less/little time 75. car use level Part V Translation Section A 76. 从来就没有完美的幸福。人类不存在尽善尽美的状况。无论幸福可能是别的什么东西,它既不在于财富 也不在于成就,而是在于追求的过程。我们要时刻牢记,我们生来并不是享受幸福而是追求幸福。幸福在 于追求的本身,在于追求我们终生为之努力并从中获得启迪的有意义的事情,也就是说在于追求的过程。 对于一个民族的评价不是在于看它拥有什么或是想要拥有什么,而是看它想要并正在追求什么。 Section B 77. Taken as a whole, human culture is the product of cultural merging and exchange between all peoples and nations. 78. We ll make use of beneficial things from other countries to build our spiritual and material civilizations. 79. This exchange will help increase understanding and friendship and promote joint development in science and culture. 80. When flying from China to the United States, the other side of the earth, you can arrive on the same day of the calendar. 81. The historical experiences of both China and other countries have proved again and again that culture needs exchanges. Part VI Error Correction I feel it 蒺 s very import


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