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他的小说常写美国人和欧洲人之间交往的问题;成人的罪恶如何影响并摧残了纯洁、聪慧的儿童;物质与精神之间的矛盾;艺术家的孤独,作家和艺术家的生活等:这表明作家对个人道德品质的浓厚兴趣。这是深有文化教养的知识分子所怀有的人文主义倾向,而不是人们所熟悉的对贫苦大众的人道主义同情。作者赞美优美而淳厚的品德,把个人品质高高置于物质利益甚至文化教养之上,个人品质和他人利益高于一切。 Literary career: three stages 1865~1882: international theme 国际主题 The American 《美国人》 Daisy Miller 《黛西米勒》 The Portrait of a Lady 《贵妇画像》 James’s literary techniques “point of view” 视角 Style – “stylist a. over-elaborate style b. Language: highly-refined, polished, (文雅) insightful, accurate c. Construction: complicated, intricate * The Jolly Corner 快乐的一角 Henry James Henry James--- A writer who not only bridged the 19th and 20th centuries but connected America and Europe. A wealthy cultured family father-- an eminent philosopher and theologian brother--a famous philosopher and psychologist The cultural influence of Europe In the Harvard Law School, he read French novelists and critics. He toured England, France and Italy, and met Flaubert and Turgenev. He settled down in London in 1876. In 1915 he became a British citizen. 詹姆斯出身于纽约一个有钱的知识分子家庭。父亲是个哲学家、神学家,但为人专横粗暴。长兄威廉健壮得如同运动员一般,后来成了令人敬畏的哲学家和哈佛大学心理学教授。詹姆斯的童年非常不愉快,他是在对哥哥的畏惧中成长起来的。詹姆斯曾经跟家庭闹翻过,不过后来又修补了这种关系。他在哥哥阴影笼罩下的成长,是怎样影响到他的内心世界,并进而影响到他的创作的,因为詹姆斯生性过于敏感。笑声很少来自于詹姆斯,由于跟他友好的人过早去世,包括他的姐姐艾丽丝,他的表妹米妮·坦普尔,他活得一直很沉重。詹姆斯曾经利用相继去世的这些人作素材,在小说《黛西·米勒》、《一位女士的画像》、《鸽翼》、《使节》及《金碗》中创作出了一系列鲜明的女主人公形象。 James is one of the major figures of trans-Atlantic literature. His works frequently juxtapose characters from the Old World(Europe), embodying a feudal civilization that is beautiful, often corrupt, and alluring, and from the New World (United States), where people are often brash, open, and assertive and embody the virtues—freedom and a more highly evolved moral character—of the new American society. James explores this clash of personalities and cultures, in stories of personal relationships in which power is exercised well or badly. His protagonists were often young American women facing oppression or abuse. When he walked out of the refuge of his study and


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