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I like music that I can dance to. Unit 6 Section A Revision What’s your favorite music? I like pop best. Revision What’s your favorite music? I like jazz best. Revision What’s your favorite music? I like dance music best. Revision What’s your favorite music? I like classical music best. Revision What’s your favorite music? I like dance music best. Revision What’s your favorite music? I like classical music best. Look at the picture and circle the sentences you agree with.Then write your own sentence. 1a 1b Listen. Check (√) the kinds of music Tony and Betty like. Music that I can dance to Music that has great lyrics Music that I can sing along with Tony Betty √ √ √ √ 1c Talk about the music you like. What kind of music do you like ? I like music that I can sing along with. What about you? I prefer music that has great lyrics. 重点 定语从句 一、?既这个从句起的作用与形容词完全一样,起修饰和限定主句里名词的作用。可以形容人,物和事件,在主句中充当定语的作用。试比较: 1.???I like quiet music. 2.??I like music that is quiet. 二、??定语从句中的关系代词 1.??? 指人:who / whom / that eg. I like the singer who is beautiful. 2.?? 指物:that / which eg. I like the movie that is funny. 任务I. 阅读下列句子,再用who/that 填空。 1.I have a brother _______ likes soccer. 2.Tom doesn’t like movies _______are too long and too scary. 3. We prefer groups ________ play loud and energetic songs. 4.???He likes friends _________ often help each other. 任务II. 请将下列题中的两个句子合并成一个句子。 1.I like music. The music is loud and exciting. _______________________________________. 2. She loves movies. The movies are romantic. _______________________________________. 3. Tony likes music. He can dance to the music. ________________________________________. who/that that who/that who/that I like music that is loud and exciting. She loves movies that are romantic. Tony likes music that he can dance to. / QQ联盟馆 爷还算是有些生气咯呢 嫌仆役没什么好好躺床上养身子……”“唉 都怨我 都是因为我 才让仆役挨咯爷の责罚……”“吟雪姐姐 您就放心吧 现在仆役就是犯咯天大の错 爷都舍别得罚仆役呢!”“啊?爷别罚仆役?那爷就要罚您咯?那您怎么还有闲功夫跟我说东说西の 还别赶快去跟爷求



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