基于过度自信的风险投资互动决策分析-analysis of risk investment interactive decision - making based on overconfidence.docx

基于过度自信的风险投资互动决策分析-analysis of risk investment interactive decision - making based on overconfidence.docx

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基于过度自信的风险投资互动决策分析-analysis of risk investment interactive decision - making based on overconfidence

摘要随着知识经济向纵深方向发展,风险投资过程也更加注重参与人及其心理行为 方式对风险投资各阶段决策的影响,如风险项目的选择更加注重创业团队,风险投 资契约的设计更加注重对参与人心理行为的激励作用,风险投资的监督力度也因参 与人的心理行为方式而不同。针对这些问题,标准理论的解释已显得力不从心。行 为金融作为一个新兴的研究领域,充分考虑市场参与者的非理性心理因素的作用, 现已广泛应用于证券投资领域与公司金融领域中参与人决策行为的解释。行为金融 的理论与方法在证券投资领域与公司金融领域中的运用为研究风险投资决策提供了 新的视角与思路。本文以标准经济理论及现有风险投资理论为基础,以风险投资商及企业家的“过 度自信”心理偏好为主线,以风险投资过程中企业家与风险投资商的互动决策行为为 研究对象,以风险资本投资阶段的三个环节——(风险项目)企业家选择、风险投 资契约设计中的股权分配、风险投资后的监督管理为主要研究内容。通过建立风险 投资商与企业家的博弈模型,深入探讨并论证了“过度自信”偏好对风险投资决策过 程及决策结果的影响,说明了企业家与风险投资商适度的“过度自信”偏好有利于促 进他们之间更好的合作、提高合作绩效,并有利于改善风险投资商与企业家之间双 向的委托代理关系,降低他们之间的道德风险,风险投资商或企业家的“过度自信” 与监督之间存在替代关系。本文的研究具有一定的理论与现实意义。理论上,能够推动风险投资理论的创 新,充实现有风险投资研究体系,为从行为金融视角研究风险投周期资初步搭建一 个理论平台;实践上更加贴近风险投资决策实际,为风险投资项目的选择、为改善 风险投资商与企业家之间的双向委托代理关系、协调它们之间的利益分配以及降低 风险投资商与企业家之间的双边道德风险提供一种新的视野与思路。关键词:风险投资行为金融互动决策过度自信AbstractWith the deep development of the Knowledge-based Economy, the effects of player and her psychological behavioral pattern on financing decision in every venture capital stage is emphasised in the whole process of venture capital. Such as the venture team is given much more concern in venture project selecting, incentive to player’s psychological behave is heavely placed on in designing the contract of venture capital, the degree of monitor in following venture capital management is dependent on the player’s different psychological actions. The standant economics and venture capital theory can not give an persuaded explanation to the above problem. Behavioral finance is a new research theory and methodolody, it explanes player’s behavior in financial market from a real living people’s perspective, and fully considers the effects of player’s irrational psychological factors. Now, the theory of behavioral finance is widely employed to explan the player’s decision behavior in securities market and corporate finance. The application of the theory and methodology of behavioral finance in the above two realms affords a new insights for us to study on the investment decision of venture capital.The dissertati



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