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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 遥感图像处理及ENVI/IDL操作实践 北京师范大学 资源学院 第十二章 图像融合 一、背景介绍 二、常用图像融合方法 三、图像融合效果评价方法 四、存在的问题 五、图像融合方法IDL程序试验 难点:PC, Wavelet融合的原理,操作过程中的 直方图匹配。 重点:图像融合的基本原理和基本操作过程。 一、背景介绍 一、什么叫图像融合? 将多源遥感图像按照一定的算法,在规定的地理坐标系,生成新的图像的过程。图像通过融合既可以提高多光谱图像空间分辨率,又可以保留部分多光谱特性。 二、为什么要做遥感图像融合? 遥感制图、测绘应用等业务需要高空间分辨率的彩色影像。 现有物理技术还无法使卫星同时提供多光谱、高空间分辨率的影像。 二、图像融合方法 基于像元级的图像融合方法可归为两大类: 代数运算法:Brovey转换法、PBIM(Pixel Block Intensity Modulation)法、SFIM(Smoothing Filter-based Intensity Modulation )法。 变换替代法:IHS法(HSV法)、主成份分析法(PCA)、小波变换法。 二、图像融合方法(1) Brovey转换法 Where IBrovey is the DN (Digital Number) value of a resultant fused image, Ilow is the DN value of a lower resolution image, Ihigh is the DN value of the higher resolution image, and is the average DN value of 3 lower resolution band images co-registered to a higher resolution image. (1) 二、图像融合方法(2) PBIM and SFIM. They all use the algorithm like formula (1), and only the denominator is different. For PBIM, the denominator is calculated only once for each lower resolution pixels block as an average of all the higher resolution pixels within the block. However, convolution smoothing is performed to calculate the denominator for every higher resolution pixel in the SFIM technique 二、图像融合方法(3) IHS融合方法 The three bands of a colour image are transferred from the RGB space into the IHS space firstly. The intensity image is then replaced by a high panchromatic resolution image. To have a better fusion quality, the panchromatic image usually needs to be matched to the intensity image before the replacement. After the replacement, an inverse transform is performed to result in a fused colour image. 二、图像融合方法(4) 1. RGB到IHS的转换: 二、图像融合方法(5) 2. IHS到RGB的转换: 1) 二、图像融合方法(6) 2) 2. IHS到RGB的转换: 二、图像融合方法(6) 3) 2. IHS到RGB的转换: 二、图像融合方法(7) PCA融合方法 To sharpen spectral image data with high spatial resolution data, a principal components transformation is performed on the multi-spectral data. The first principal component (PC1) is replaced with the
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