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Unit 7 WELCOME Background information: Dinner at the home of an American family is likely to be an easy and informal occasion. You will be served “family style”. Members of the family of all ages eat together. You don’t necessarily do the dishes and should try to “make yourself at home”. How about a Chinese dinner? Are there any differences between an American dinner and a Chinese one? Dialogue A: “We’d Be Very Happy to Come.” (Wang Tao is working in a joint venture. His colleague, Bob Anderson, is a technician. He comes from Britain. Wang Tao and his wife, Li Hui, would like to have Bob Anderson and his wife, Anna, over for dinner. Here is the dialogue between Wang Tao and Bob.) W: Are you doing anything Saturday evening? B: Nothing special, why? W: We’d like to have you and your wife over for dinner this Saturday evening. Would you be able to come? B: This Saturday evening? W: Yes. And we hope you’ll be able to join us. B: Thank you for the invitation. We’d be very happy to come. W: Good. B: What time shall we plan to arrive? W: How does 7:00 sound? B: 7:00 is fine. We’ll be looking forward to it. Can you answer the questions? Where does Wang Tao work? What’s the relationship between Wang Tao and Bob Anderson What do Wang Tao and his wife want to do? Does Bob have anything special to do on Saturday evening? What time will Bob and his wife arrive? Dialogue B: “We Enjoyed Ourselves Very Much.” (It’s 10:00 p.m. Bob Anderson and his wife, Anna, are about to leave. They express their thanks to Wang Tao and his wife, Li Hui. Here is the dialogue between Bob, Anna, Wang Tao and Li Hui.) L: Here are your coats. B: Thanks, it’s been a marvelous evening. It was very kind of you to invite us. W: Don’t mention it. It’s nice to receive you again. A: Well, we enjoyed ourselves very much. W: I’m glad you could come, and you must come again. B: Good night, and thanks again. L: Good night. Drive carefully. It’s very muddy outside. C


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