水的组成、分子和原子(Composition, molecules and atoms of water).doc

水的组成、分子和原子(Composition, molecules and atoms of water).doc

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水的组成、分子和原子(Composition, molecules and atoms of water).doc

水的组成、分子和原子(Composition, molecules and atoms of water) [integration of learning objectives] 1. according to the experiment of electrolysis water, we know the composition of water. 2. understand the difference between single substance and compound. 3. understand the process and method of human understanding of the material world. 4. understanding matter is made up of tiny particles such as molecules and atoms. The 5. molecule is the smallest particle that keeps the chemical properties of the material; the atom is the smallest particle in the chemical change. The basic characteristics of 6. molecules, and can explain the phenomenon 7. cultivate abstract thinking ability, imagination and analysis and reasoning ability. Emphasis: determine the composition of water according to the experiment of electrolysis water; explain some phenomena from the viewpoint of molecule and atom. Difficulty: the distinction between single compounds and compounds; the understanding of molecular and atomic concepts. [key points of knowledge] Knowledge point 1: electrolysis experiment of water 1. experimental instruments: water electrolyzer (or sink and test tube), DC power supply, alcohol lamp. 2. experimental drugs: water, sodium hydroxide (or dilute sulfuric acid). 3. experimental operation: as shown in figures 7-1 and 7-2, fill up the water in the water electrolyzer (or test tube) and add a small amount of sodium hydroxide (or dilute sulfuric acid) to the water to turn on the power supply. 4. experimental phenomenon: there are bubbles on the electrode, after a period of time, the positive gas is less, and the negative gas is more; the volume ratio of positive and negative gas is 1: 2. 5. test gas: figure 7-2 shows, with 1 in the wood gas test tube with Mars, found the wood again, that is the oxygen gas in the tube; 2 close to the flame, gas combustion, flame is light blue, that is hydrogen. 6. experimental results: under the action of direct current, water reacts chemically to produce hydr


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