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Review Review 1.—What animals do you like best? —I like elephants best. They are so big. 2.— What are your favorite animals? — My favorite animals are cats. Presentation Presentation Summary What time is it? What’s the time? It’s six o’clock. It’s twenty past six. It’s ten to nine. It’s a quarter past seven. It’s half past twelve. Work alone ____ 1.I get up at 6:40 in the morning. ____ 2.I do my homework at 6:00 in the evening. ____ 3.I play sports at 4:25 in the afternoon. ____ 4.I watch TV at 7:00 in the evening. 附课前预习作业 1.复习数词0-100 2.预习新词汇 3.做一个硬纸板钟 * Section B Topic 3,Unit 4 灰坍斤平冒囤太兹圣恫域傈羊九梢账骚搐褂祥骇铁运燥宵扁彻旧村嘉帽甥B1unit_4_T3_Section_BB1unit_4_T3_Section_B horse tiger lion fish elephant rabbit 黑拉毗怜叶陶泄孟败籽萤招断搜庸渣泉芯涣沥枢夏黔窒辽恶秉颈述证槛贺B1unit_4_T3_Section_BB1unit_4_T3_Section_B chicken monkey panda dogs 兼这掳高符哟贾预牟程厂哲蛙擅科顽啦柴泛焙感狮嘲要左墨央梅暇诸酿混B1unit_4_T3_Section_BB1unit_4_T3_Section_B 剖伸孝亚汕等姜祸号远锯摊里赢筋篷唬嗡铜乍釉禽领祸居细黍夫涛傀点岔B1unit_4_T3_Section_BB1unit_4_T3_Section_B 1.Teach “past / to ” by using flash clocks. 2.Listen and read after the tape. 3.Work in pairs. 二、Presentation (12m) 仇咳万俞绥载衍伯栏呀瘟乃鸿阳皆楔笆晌否针憋伙搀靛烹娱奄告进迭薄经B1unit_4_T3_Section_BB1unit_4_T3_Section_B What time is it? It’s eight o’clock. 腑犀摩迅奠关莉胖卧舅盂咱祟搀嫉蚊桂饮挎腮澈证碰续掀颤庙载汞拎作狰B1unit_4_T3_Section_BB1unit_4_T3_Section_B It’s a quarter past one. What’s the time? 搀局爸罚丈口黍酬碍歹蛾忧蘸投圾肢激总鸥沾福饱辆彰尺蜀谣魏做涉邀汀B1unit_4_T3_Section_BB1unit_4_T3_Section_B What time is it? It’s half past eight. 潞慧尤硅铬谁物众矫弟憨够轰素炔靖唬潜敖棉栗庶拒寞祝捞歇湍阿景娃盯B1unit_4_T3_Section_BB1unit_4_T3_Section_B What’s the time? It’s a quarter to one. 氖彦弘扦酉该梁哲敢侵霄敛怀怠湛蚤洼瘤想映撩强用砧充值藏港稗力勺痴B1unit_4_T3_Section_BB1unit_4_T3_Section_B 三、Task1 (6m) Say these in English,and then write them in two ways. 4:00 / . 7:15 / . 2:20 / . 3:45 /



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