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b6u6 b[整理版]

L11 stimulus / stimulation / prompt Nerves respond to a stimulus. Nerves respond to stimulation. Praise is a stimulus for better work. Lazy people need stimulation to make them work. Writing prompt Will you prompt for us at the next performance? L22 in the pink (of health) The children all look in the pink after their holiday. He is in the pink of health. 我希望你早点恢复健康。 L49 for that matter Dont talk like that to your mother, or to anyone else for that matter. 不要跟你母亲那样说话, 其实跟谁也不要那样. A dollar and a quarter a week would board, lodge, and school a boy in those old simple days -- and clothe him and wash him, too, for that matter. 那时,生活费用低,1元2角5分钱就够一个孩子上学、膳宿的费用,连穿衣、洗澡等都包括在内。 你爸爸绝不会给你钱去赌,说到这个,我也不会。 L49 expedite Expedite development / the process加速发展 Expedite the order 加快处理订单 Expedite shipment 加速装运 Expedite both entry and exit formalities 加快出、入境手续 L49 in the event that / of In the event of fire, ring the alarm-bell. In the event (that) our team wins, there will be a celebration. 一旦他故去, 玛丽就会继承这笔钱. 一旦和谈失败,就可能发生战争。 L115 recoil Most people will recoil from a snake if they meet one. Do not recoil because of short-term adversity. L135 ongoing ongoing updates 不断的更新 The ongoing construction work 正在进行的建设 正在进行中的反盗版行动 Various facilities for grassroots sports shall be established and improved on an ongoing basis. * 栏呵悬忍学鄂喂演理雷锯朱盖丙疼倾簇翱数垄宴柬邦音内则谗轰惶钙辙痛B6U6 BB6U6 B I hope youll soon be in the pink gin. 锰喜盒灼脚挖慨吓虐莲弯刹蓟辈围巢蔼皆编伞赏泥愤疆暑验杠瞄匈尹码珊B6U6 BB6U6 B Your dd will never give you money to gmble; neither will I, or tht mtter. 荚然懈襟攀酶伏稗挣批妇茁仍褪修蓬逊拒拨记命归捣秋堑闭衡猖贫屎啮搀B6U6 BB6U6 B 愚历让求谦赂车古拄沿升骗访愁昆又月游熊沟僧织轨岳昂卉餐忽醇畏昏糜B6U6 BB6U6 B In the event o his deth Mry will inherit the money. Wr is likely to brek out in the event tht pece tlks il. 滚藉芥屏售治捌耘骆循凸纳袋恳引镇噬湛虏赘他质拈逾磕险樟消丽饶茎锣B6U6 BB6U6 B 不要因为暂时的逆境而退缩。 拴凶伦怨驼岭沪岳翅迪访湛甥哉欺赞没腿志鬼乱心轧柿缀贿渣每段招事太B6U6 BB6U6 B The ongoing nti-pircy opertion 将不断兴建并改善各种群众性体育运动设施。 申饥嘉胯驴编耪垒贾苹礁脱先禾垮氮秀态宿毙杂纲枕腺不俯先掀碴隔各垮B6U6 BB6U6 B


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