上海世博(Shanghai Expo).docVIP

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上海世博(Shanghai Expo).doc

上海世博(Shanghai Expo) They are integration of urban multiple cultures, prosperity of urban economy, innovation of urban science and technology, Remodeling of urban communities and interaction between city and countryside. The theme of Shanghai World Expo reflects the common yearning of the whole mankind for the better life in the future urban environment, and reflects the international communitys great attention to the urbanization tide, the future city strategy and the sustainable development. Select the city as the theme of World Expo Shanghai, because twenty-first Century is an important period of development of the city, the future vision of city life and the outlook is a global issue, whether in developed countries or in developing countries, the topic of city can arouse peoples sympathy. As the first city as the theme of the World Expo, Shanghai World Expo will be harmonious city and to city, better life demands, and actively shaping the harmonious city paradigm, the concept of harmony between man and nature and history and future harmony and the harmony between people. Shanghai in World Expo 184 days, the world all participating countries and international organizations, city and enterprises, will focus on the theme, fully display the results, city civilization exchanges city development experience, the spread of advanced city concept, so as to explore the new century to live and work in human form, provide a vivid example for the sustainable the development of ecological building a harmonious society and human. [Shanghai World Expo site] Different from the previous location of most of the World Expo City suburbs, land development and new Shanghai, the location of World Expo to save a lot of land, the land is mainly on the city industrial pollution areas and large residential relocation and simple plots to. Shanghai Expo Park is located in the waterfront between the Nanpu bridge and Lu Pu Bridge in the center of the city, along the mother river of Shanghai, Hua


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