细读加班人的如意小算盘(Peruse the wishful thinking of overtime workers).docVIP

细读加班人的如意小算盘(Peruse the wishful thinking of overtime workers).doc

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细读加班人的如意小算盘(Peruse the wishful thinking of overtime workers).doc

细读加班人的如意小算盘(Peruse the wishful thinking of overtime workers) About the workplace: read the overtime people wishful small Abacus Education _ Sina _ news sports entertainment financial stock technology blog video podcast auto and home game of female reading education constellation Weather messages, love letters, mail, navigation, pass, exit Sina Education job search text, Job Description: read overtime work wishful thinking At 10:04 on October 12, 2009, morning news The eight day holiday, together with professionals at once scattered to every corner of the world, some travel fully immersed in nature, enjoy a leisurely and some wild stock or floating clouds, this special day, let oneself into the marriage hall, delicious taste the taste of happiness; and still went on working the front. However, after the holiday vacation, different types of people, each get their own 99. Reporters invited labor experts for the workplace one by one interpretation. Type 1: partial vacation days, overtime Workplace confusion: 1, work overtime period, the company will not send overtime? If there is no overtime, can not rest? 2, according to the actual fee paid overtime, if due to write the manuscript is not used, there is no overtime? [case] Holiday duty, but handed in the manuscript did not use Xiao Yan in a private enterprise newspaper work, this holiday leader arranged him to work 2 days. Unlike regular phone calls and taking notes, he has to be creative and write well, so that overtime payments can be made if the work is published. 2 days before the National Day holiday, he wrote 2 reports, but are not ideal to hire competent, so that he not only get the money, not to mention the overtime. In the past, his colleagues are on royalties multiplied by 3 or 2, but not published the manuscript is not written for. In this regard, Xiao Yan feel very puzzled, such as his piece work, there is no performance, is not there is no overtime pay? According to the law, their overtime pay should be



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