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蜈支洲岛VIP精品纯玩双飞6日游 Wuzhizhou Island VIP boutique pure play SF 6 swim product Highlights Complimentary: Romantic perfume Bay, passionate South China Sea night. The beach bonfire carnival, participate in interactive, folk dance talent show, flying lanterns and fireworks, enjoy a romantic night beach...... The first 09 years on the card, the new air-conditioned travel car - the best air conditioning, comfort, service in place! The whole arrangement is for three nights, Meerzeit Hotel (five) and four The Springs Hotel overnight, including a night view sea view room! Newlyweds offer perfume Bay, romantic beach tent (please sign when signing up, arrange with marriage certificate)! Launch Maldives, Chinas Wuzhizhou Island! Regular gift: one bottle of mineral water per person per day No shopping during the whole journey. If it is required to increase, it must be signed by all the tourists before it can be arranged. Quality commitment: the whole trip does not replace any attractions (special reasons to guests and travel agents agreed before replacement or compensation) 500 yuan / person; Hainan tourism car rolling classes, such as arrange the car back 60 yuan / person schedule Itinerary content Diet Hotel First day Sanya Harbin Taiping International Airport to China the southernmost tropical coastal tourist resort city, the beautiful Lucheng - Sanya City, someone pick, Check Inn Hotel, fully equipped for ready for second days, the South China Sea tour. Sanya Appointed Hotel The second day Sanya Visit the East China Sea Beach Resort (30 minutes), not to Hawaii, as Hawaii -- Yalong Bay underwater world (30 minutes), can participate in various activities of the sea fee (the cost is 380 yuan / person diving) (100 minutes), Yalong Bay central square, Shell Museum, Butterfly Valley (a total of 60 minutes ride to the Green Island), the blue sea, the Wuzhizhou Island exile heart land of idyllic beauty (150 minutes, including round-trip time here by boat) the coconut palms are, grass t


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