人体工程学尺寸参考(Ergonomic dimension reference).docVIP

人体工程学尺寸参考(Ergonomic dimension reference).doc

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人体工程学尺寸参考(Ergonomic dimension reference).doc

人体工程学尺寸参考(Ergonomic dimension reference) 1, weight: (male: 68.9 female: 56.7) 2, height: (male: 173.5 female: 159.8) 3, straight hips to head height: (male: 90.7 female: 84.8) Width between 4 and two elbows: (male: 41.9 female: 38.4) 5, the height of the elbow brace: (male: 24.1 female: 23.4) 6, the height of the seat thigh: (male: 14.5 female: 13.7) 7, the height of the knee to the ground: (male: 54.4 female: 49.8) 8, sitting hip to leg bending length: (male: 49 female: 48) 9, sitting hip width: (male: 35.6 female: 36.3) 1, wall size (1) 80 - 200 mopboard; (2): 800 - 1500 high dado (3): 1600 - 1800 (high mirror painting center height from the ground) 2, restaurant (1) table height: 750 - 790 (2): 450 - 500 high chair (3) round table diameter: two people, 500, two, 800, 900, 1100,, 1100-1250, eight, 1300, 1800, twelve (4) table size: two people, 700 x 850, four people 1350 x 850, eight people 2250 x 850 (5) table carousel diameter: 700 - 800 (6) table spacing: (seat 500) should be greater than 500 (7) main channel width: 1200 - 1300 Internal working channel width: 600 - 900 (9) bar height: 900 - L050, width 500 (10) bar stool height: 600, 750 3, shopping mall business hall (1) double aisle width: 1600 (2) double aisle width: 2000 (3) aisle width of three sides: 2300 (4) bilateral four aisle width: 3000 (5) shop counter aisle width: 800 (6) sales clerk counter: thickness 600, height: 800 - l000 (7) single back shelf: thickness 300 - 500, height: 1800 - 2300 (8) double back shelf; thickness: 600 - 800, height: 1800 - 2300 (9) window of small commodities: thickness: 500 - 800, height: 400 - 1200 (10) display platform height: 400 - 800 (11) open shelves: 400 - 600 (12) radial rack: 2000 in diameter (13) cash desk: length: 1600, width: 600 4, hotel room (1) standard area: large: 25 square meters, medium: 16 - 18 square meters, small: 16 square meters (2) bed: height 400 - 450 bed back height: 850 - 950 (3) bedside cabinets: height 500 - 700; width: 500 - 800 (4) writing


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