Classical Conditioning - HCT computing经典条件反射- HCT计算.ppt

Classical Conditioning - HCT computing经典条件反射- HCT计算.ppt

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Classical Conditioning - HCT computing经典条件反射- HCT计算

The Behaviourist Perspective This perspective seeks to understand human behaviour in terms of what has been learnt. They study behaviour. They assume that all human behaviour is a result of what has been learnt, eg shyness or aggression. They think ALL behaviour is a result of either Classical Conditioning (Pavlov) or Operant Conditioning (Skinner). Classical Conditioning Pavlov recognised that when a dog was given food it salivated which is a physiological response. He then rang a bell at the same time as feeding the dogs. He then realised that after a while, if you rang a bell the dog would salivate WITHOUT any food present. Classical Conditioning Classical conditioning explains LEARNED responses to neutral stimuli. The bell was the neutral stimulus because normally a bell does not make dogs salivate, but the dogs learned that when a bell rang they would get food and so they salivated when they heard the bell. Classical Conditioning Unconditioned Stimulus (US): A naturally occurring event in the environment which provokes a response eg a door banging or the smell of food Unconditioned Response (UR): Your instinctive response to something that happens eg you jump when a door bangs loudly, or you salivate when given food. Conditioned Stimulus (CS): A new, neutral stimulus that has been paired with the unconditioned stimulus. eg the bell in Pavlov’s experiment is the conditioned stimulus and is paired with the food. Conditioned Response (CR): A learnt response to the new conditioned stimulus eg salivating when the bell rings in Pavlov’s experiment Operant Conditioning Skinner was an American psychologist who studied animals to discover how they learn new behaviours. Operant Conditioning Operant Conditioning Negative Reinforcement When behaviour removes something unpleasant this is called negative reinforcement. Eg Skinner changed the box to have a small electric current that could be stopped when the lever was pressed. The rat learnt that pre


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