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摘 要 近几年来,珠宝首饰行业得到不断地完善和发展,整个首饰市场的竞争也愈演愈烈,消费者的的消费层次不再停留在只为满足基础消费,而是进一步向体现个人的品味,文化和社会地位的消费前进着。选择一切富有生命的题材来进行设计,通过这些有生命的设计在生命与设计的联系的研究方向中有了小小的进步。将用生命——自然主义风格系列首饰设计为主题,采用手绘方法设计了4套三件套首饰,和1套系列首饰。将《织·蛛》作为成品设计的设计图,用白铜代替银制作成品。对于整个珠宝市场和首饰设计师来说,这个现象无疑是一个重大的机遇,同事来说也更是巨大的挑战。为了创造珠宝首饰中更高的价值,珠宝首饰企业需要在这种风云变幻的环境下,一击中的抓住时机建立起属于自己品牌风格的优质形象。而作为设计的发送者的设计师,更需要迎合市场将自己的设计思维和主张形成自己的独特风格,只有这样才会有属于自己的一方天地。 生命是时间万物,死物活物都应该拥有的标志。生命对于人类的重要性就像运动对于自然界一样,而同时对于珠宝首饰来说一样不可或缺。设计中生命作为一种普通的现象,已经被广大设计师们将其应用到平面设计,室内设计等视觉传达的领域。 将生命与首饰设计联系起来进行研究,首先就是必须搞清楚什么是生命,什么是首饰设计。通过对生命的解析,总结出与首饰设计的相关重要含义。首饰设计作为一种在视觉传达的基础上将设计得到物化和商品化的一种活动。珠宝首饰企业品牌的形象建立和设计师的设计风格离不开消费者创造的这样一个大环境。生命与设计之间的联系可以延伸到珠宝首饰与消费者之间的联系。本文通过设计案例,浅析设计的生命与首饰设计风格的关系。 关键词:首饰设计 生命 首饰设计风格 ABSTRACT Jewelry industry in recent years, constantly perfected and developed, the jewelry market competition intensifying, and consumers consumption level is no longer stay just to satisfy basic consumption, but further to reflect personal tastes, culture and social status of consumption.Choose all the rich life themes to design, through these life design in the life and design of the relationship between the research direction of small progress.With the theme of life - naturalism style jewelry design department, four sets of three-piece jewelry and 1 set of jewelry are designed by hand drawing method.As a design drawing of the finished product, weaving spider was used as a substitute for silver to make the finished product.For the whole jewelry market and jewelry designers, this phenomenon is undoubtedly a significant opportunity, and the colleague is also a great challenge.In order to create the higher value of jewelry, jewelry enterprises need to seize the opportunity to establish a high-quality image of their own brand style under such changeable circumstances.As the designer of the design, the designer needs to cater to the market to form his own unique style of design thinking and propositions, only in this way can there be a world of his own. Life is a sign that


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