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初中英语牛津深圳版九年级下册Unit5 Sport单元练习一、听力(听力)(共20小题;共20分)(略)二、单项选择(共10小题;共10分)21.--- I hear a traffic accident happened yesterday. Was it terrible?--- Yes. A car ? and all the people in it were badly hurt. But luckily, none of them was killed.A. fell overB. fell behindC. fell offD. fell down to22.--- Excuse me. Is there a flight to Shanghai?--- Just a minute, please. I have to ? my computer.A. checkB. openC. keepD. collect23.There is a library opposite our school.A. close toB. next toC. near byD. across from24.You should take off your dirty shoes before you ? the new flat.A. leaveB. findC. chooseD. enter25.--- I hear Jeremy Lin was badly hurt during the basketball match.--- ?.A. Well doneB. Dont mention itC. Thats a shameD. Congratulations26.--- Were you at school at 8:00 this morning?--- Yes. I ? with my teacher at that time.A. talkB. will talkC. was talkingD. am talking27.In the spoken English of some areas in the US, the r sounds at the end of the words ?.A. are droppedB. dropC. are being droppedD. have dropped28.The “Thousand-hand Guanyin” ? by many people as the best performance at CCTVs Spring Festival Evening.A. has been regardedB. are regardedC. has regardedD. regards29.--- Excuse me, how can I get to the train station, please?--- Take the ? turning ? the right, then the second ? the left.A. five; in; onB. fifth; on; onC. fifth; to; onD. five; at; on30.--- Would you mind if I smoke here?--- ?. Look at the sign. It says No Smoking.A. It doesnt matterB. You had better notC. No, you dontD. Certainly not三、补全短文(共10小题;共10分) It was late last Monday, but Tom was still 31. ? TV in his room. There was a wonderful football match on TV. 32. ? excited he was! That night he 33. ? go to bed until twelve oclock. The next morning, it was a 34. ? to eig



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