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Module 9 Friendship 单元测试题 Written test part Ⅰ. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分) 从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 (??? ) 1. Mark left the room without ________ word just now. A. a????? ????????B. an???? C. the??????? ???????????D. 不填 (??? ) 2. The boy ________ a big smile on his face is my best friend. A. on???? ???????B. with? C. for ? ? ? ? ? ? D. at (??? ) 3. Mary feels sure of ________. She thinks she can solve the problem. A. his ? ? ? ?B. hers?? C. himself ? ? ? ?D. herself (??? ) 4. I cant cook well. Yesterday Mr Zhang gave me some ________ about cooking. A. suggestions B. changes? C. prizes??????? ? ??D. decisions (??? ) 5. The little boy often feels ________ because there is only one child in his big family. A. sleepy ?B. crazy C. nervous ? ? ? ?D. lonely (??? ) 6.?My aunt is very popular with kids because she ________ them. A. is patient with ?B. is worried about C. is proud of ? D. is angry with (??? ) 7. Jack ________ me to an Australian girl at the party. We became friends soon. A. accepted ? ?B. chose C. introduced ? ? ? D. invited (??? ) 8. Alice refused ________ volleyball with her friends because she had to do her homework. A. play ? ? ?B. playing C. to play ? ? ? ? ?D. played (??? ) 9. David is weak and often feels very tired. The teacher encourages him ________ more. A. exercising B. exercised C. exercise ? ? ? D. to exercise (??? ) 10. Bill regrets not ________ the window this morning. The room is very dirty now. A. close ?B. closing C. to close ? ? ? ? D. closed (??? ) 11. Peter asks ________ we will go to the park with him or not. A. that????????? B. whether C. when ? ? ? ?D. why (??? ) 12. —Where is Linda? —She has been away for an hour. I dont know ________ she is now. A. where ? ?B. who C. what ? ? ? ? D. how ?(??? ) 13. —Have you ________? —Yes, I have. And she likes it. A. mention the idea her ? B. mention the idea to her C. mentioned the idea her D. mentioned the idea to her (??? ) 14. —I hear that Wang Nan will co


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