医学课件重症甲型H1N1流感感染性休克及MODS的诊断与治疗 四川大学华西医学中心感染科.ppt

医学课件重症甲型H1N1流感感染性休克及MODS的诊断与治疗 四川大学华西医学中心感染科.ppt

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医学课件重症甲型H1N1流感感染性休克及MODS的诊断与治疗 四川大学华西医学中心感染科

* * * * * As a result of age shifts in the US population, Angus et al predict that the incidence of severe sepsis will outstrip the growth in population over the next 50 years. Indeed, the incidence of severe sepsis is expected to increase by approximately 1.5% per annum for the next fifty years. This increase poses substantial problems and argues for the need for improved therapy of severe sepsis and suggests that the supply of critical care physicians will soon be unable to meet societies demands. In 1997, intensivists provided care to 36.8% of all ICU patients. Angus et al suggest that the current ratio of supply to demand will remain in rough equilibrium until 2007. Subsequently, demand should grow rapidly while supply will remain near constant. This imbalance will yield a shortfall of specialist hours equal to 22% of demand by 2020 and 35% by 2030, primarily because of the aging of the US population. Angus DC, Linde-Zwirble WT, Lidicker J, et al. Incidence, cost and outcomes of severe sepsis in the United States. Crit Care Med 2001; In Press. Angus DC, Kelley MA, Schmitz RJ, et al. Caring for the critically ill. Current and projected workforce requirements for care of the critically ill and patients with pulmonary disease: can we meet the requirements of an aging population. JAMA 2000;284:2762-70. * * * * * 抗感染-病原治疗 铜绿假单胞菌感染应联合治疗 (2 D) 经验性联合治疗建议不要超过3-5天,应尽快根据药敏选择单药治疗 (2 D) 抗感染疗程7-10天,临床反应差、无法引流的局部感染、免疫力低下包括粒细胞减少者疗程适当延长 (1 D) 抗感染—病灶处理 起病6小时内明确感染具体部位(1 D) 评价患者是否存在局部感染灶并采取措施控制感染源头,尤其是脓肿或局部感染灶的引流、去除潜在感染装置 (1 C) 病因治疗推荐使用微创治疗,如脓肿引流时推荐经皮穿刺而不是外科手术引流(1 D) 当血管内置入装置可能为感染源头时,应及时拔除 (1 C) 血管收缩药(调管) 平均动脉压应≥65mmHg (1 C) 首选去甲肾上腺素或多巴胺 (1 C) 去甲肾上腺素或多巴胺无效时,可考虑选择肾上腺素 (2 B) 小剂量多巴胺对于保护肾功能无效,不建议使用 (1 A) 使用血管收缩剂的患者应留置动脉导管(1 D) 正性肌力药(强心) 心功能不全时推荐使用多巴酚丁胺(1 C) 使心脏射血分数过高的治疗方案对脓毒症患者无益,不建议使用 (1 C) 糖皮质激素 (抗炎) 氢化考的松:对扩容和调管治疗无反应的感染性休克患者(2 C) 需接受氢化考的松治疗的感染性性休克患者无需做ACTH刺激试验(2 B) 氢化考的松 优于 地塞米松(2 B) 建议下列情况加用氟氢考的松每日50ug口服: (2 C) 无可用的氢化考的松 使用的糖皮质激素无盐皮质激素活性 已


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