上课用年最新人教版英语九年级UNITIthinkthatmooncakesaredelicious全_ 副本.ppt

上课用年最新人教版英语九年级UNITIthinkthatmooncakesaredelicious全_ 副本.ppt

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上课用年最新人教版英语九年级UNITIthinkthatmooncakesaredelicious全_ 副本

(2)share v. 意为“分享;分担”,常与with, among, between, in 连用。 ? I share my lunch with him. 我与他分享我的午餐。 ? We share a small room between us. 我们俩合用一个小房间。 ? They share (in) the joy and sorrows . 他们将同甘共苦。 2. A Christmas Carol is a famous short novel written by Charles Dickens.《圣诞颂歌》是查尔斯?狄更斯的著名短篇小说。 (1)famous形容词,意为“著名的;出名的”, 既可以作表语,也可以作定语。其同义词是 well-known,反义词为 unknown。 ?Thomas Edison is a famous scientist. 托马斯?爱迪生是一位著名的科学家。 ①be famous for…“因......而著名/出名” ?China is famous for the Great Wall. 中国因长城而闻名。 ②be famous as…“作为......而出名’’。 ?Liu Huan is famous as a singer. 刘欢作为一名歌手而出名。 (2) written是write的过去分词,此处writte 是过去分词作后置定语,修饰名词nove1。 ?I like the novels written by Mo Yan. 3. He is mean and only thinks about himself. 他吝啬,只考虑自己。 mean 用作形容词,意为“吝啬的,刻薄的” ? Don’t be so mean to your little brother. 别对你弟弟那么刻薄。 mean作动词,意为“意味着;作......解释....... 的意思”。 其名词形式是meaning (意思;含 义),常构 成短语the meaning of…,意为“......的意思”。 ?It means that your answer is right. 那意味着你的答案是正确的。 ?What does this word mean? =What’s the meaning of this word? 这个单词是什么意思? 4. He just cares about whether he can make more money and he hates Christmas. 他只关心能否挣到更多的钱,且厌恶圣诞节。 (l) care about意为“担心; 关心;在乎;对… 感兴趣” ?Don’t you care about losing your job? 你难道不担心失去工作吗? ?I really care about the students in my class. 我真的很关心我班的学生。 ?I don’t care about your opinion. 我对你的观点不感兴趣。 辨析:care about 和 care for care about: 意为“关心;在乎;介意”,强调 出于责任感而“关心;在乎” care for: 意为“照料;照賴”,与take care of 同义;另一个意思为“喜欢”, 多用于疑问句和否定句,其同义 短语为 be fond of。 1. Many people make their _______look scary. They may ________ the lights and light candles. They also put things like spiders and ghosts around the doors and___________. 2. Little kids and even parents _________as ghosts or black cats. They can also dress up as fun things like________ characters. 1c Listen and ill in the blanks. houses turn off windows dress up cartoon 3. Parents


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