X-ray binaries:X射线双星.ppt

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X-ray binaries:X射线双星

BH binaries Black hole binaries X-ray observations: Cyg X-1 X-ray novae BH candidates Candidates properties Quescent luminosity vs. Orbital period Mass determination Black hole masses Some more recent records Systems BH + radio pulsar: a Holy Grail Jet from GRS 1915+105 States (luminosity+spectrum+jet+variability) Spectra of BH candidates Different components of a BH spectrum Three-state classification Discs and jets Hardness vs. flux: state evolution GRO J1655-40 during a burst 4U 1543-47 and H1743-322 XTE J1550-564 and XTE J1859-226 Recent large set of data Hardness Intensity Diagram (HID) and Disc Fraction Luminosity Diagram (DFLD) Summary of states with jets in BH binaries NS jets QPO QPO and flux from a disc QPO at high (for BHs) frequency QPOs and BH masses Inner disk boundary Ultraluminous X-ray sources ULXs in NGC 4490 and 4485 Spectrum of the ULX in NGC 1313 ULX in galaxies of different types ULX in galaxies of different types ULX in galaxies of different types The source X-1 in М82 М82, stellar clusters and ULXs X41.4+60 in M82 The most luminous ULX: HLX-1 in the galaxy ESO 243-49, IMBH in an ULXs Low-frequency QPO (2008 data) Comparison of two observations Orbital period 115 days The population of ULXs List of reviews ULX 1002.4299 1003.0283 1011.0398 1101.5387 (Remillard, McClintock astro-ph/0606352) All QPO at 100 Hz are observed only in the SPL state. Blue curves: for the range 13-30 keV. Red curves: for a wider range (towards lower energies). (Remillard, McClintock astro-ph/0606352) XTE J1550-564, GRO J1655-40, GRS 1915+105 Dashed line is plotted for the relation ν0 = 931 Hz (M/MO)-1 The ordinate shows 2ν0 0911.2240 In BH binaries there are different spectral and luminosity states. It was suggested that the inner disk boundary moves significantly from stage to stage. For the first time the effect is measured thanks to iron line data. At low luminosity the inner disk boundary is far from the BH. GX 339–4 Position of the inner disc boundary



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