个性化营销使用推荐系统Personalized marketing using recommendation systems【国外研究报告】.ppt

个性化营销使用推荐系统Personalized marketing using recommendation systems【国外研究报告】.ppt

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个性化营销使用推荐系统Personalized marketing using recommendation systems【国外研究报告】

* Among the 5 most important technical challenges, we have the need of personalized product recommendations Approximately the half of the online retail executives would like to introduce customized recommendations for their customers in e-commerce. More than 40% of the US e-commerce executives plan to adopt customer reviews and ratings that is the basic for collaborative filtering based recommendations of which Gravity intends to be a market leader 77% of retail executives think that the tracking of the online behaviour of customers is a basic tool for customer engagement. Their 76% think that the personalized recommendation may or definitely increase loyalty. Some surveys verify that social shopping sites will be the leading shopping innovations until 2015. * * * * * * * * * * * Netflix gives a good example on the value created for the company by the recommendation engines: in netflix’s call for application in 2006 they offered 1 million dollars to those who can increase the accuracy of their in-house recommendation engine by 10%. 10% improvement means an increased customer life-time connecting to a higher-value subscriber package which leads to a 80-90 million dollars extra revenue. Gravity is currently achieves a 9,07% increase comparing to the recommendation engine of netflix, wich provides gravity to be among the best 6 since the start of the competition (achieved first place during 4 months). * * * * * * * * * * * * Example scenario: An e-commerce web portal selling books, films, DVDs in their online store. The store performs well, but they have difficulties to return their existing customers back to their store for a new pruchase visit. The company is buying some banner spaces on frequently visited news and entertainment portals and placing there ads. With GraviTarg Trageted Advertisement, they can offer personalized, targeted product offerings (books, DVDs, etc.) on their ad banners that raise more the interest in the customers, and make them return


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