冀教版八年级英语下册Lesson40 Unit .ppt

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冀教版八年级英语下册Lesson40 Unit

Lesson40: Unit Review The Way We Travel 我们旅行的方式 The firse cars were built in the early 1800s. What were the first cars like? They did not look 最早的汽车是在19世纪早期生产出来的。 最早的汽车是什么样子的? 它们和 anything like they do today. They did not sound anything like they do today. They made a lot of 今天的汽车不太一样。 它们的声音也和今天的汽车不太一样。 当它们沿着 noise as they travelled down the street. They had wooden wheels, like wagons. They had steam 街道走时,它们制造很多噪音。 它们使用木头的轮子,像四轮马车。它们像火车 engines, like trains. During the 1800s, a German engineer invented engines that ised gas, not 一样有蒸汽机。 在19世纪80年期间, 一个德国工程师发明了用汽油,不用蒸汽 steam.At that time, people thought cars were dangerous. Many people were afraid of cars and 的发动机。 当时,人们认为汽车很危险。 很多人害怕车, perferred to use horses for travel. 宁愿选择骑马去旅行。 If you wanted to go somewhere in a hurry, though, you would take a car and not a horse, you 然而, 如果你想快速地去另一个地方, 你应该是坐汽车而不是骑马, still couldn’t get to your destination as quickly as you would today. In England, from 1865 to 但是仍然无法像今天一样那么迅速地到达某地。 在英国,从1865年 1878, the speed limit was 6.5 kilometres per hour. A man with a red flag had to walk in front of the 至1878年,汽车的速度限制在每小时6.5公里。手里拿着一面红色旗帜的人必须走在汽车 car. 的前面。 At first only rich people could buy cars. Later, most families in North America could buy a 起初,只有有钱的人才能买起小汽车。后来,北美的大部分家庭都能买上小汽车。 car. Today, people all over the world can buy cars. 今天, 遍布世界各地的人们都可以买车。 回答下列问题。 1. When were the first cars built? 最早的汽车什么时候生产出来的? 2. What were the first cars like? 最早的汽车是什么样子的? 3. Who invented engines that used gas rather than steam? 谁发明了不用蒸汽而用汽油的发动机? 4. Why did a man with a red flag Have to walk in front of the car? 为什么拿着红色旗帜的人必须走在汽车的前面? Answers: 1. In the early 1800s. 2. They made a lot of noise as they travelled down the street. They had wooden wheels, like wagons. They had steam engines, like trains. 3. A German engineer. 4. At that time, the speed limit of cars was 6.5 kilometres per hour


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