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基于J2EE的医疗门诊查询系统分析与设计 摘要 随着计算机技术的发展和进步,计算机应用已经涉及到人们生活的各个方面。医疗门诊查询预约系统是通过分析一个医院门诊系统,把数据库,Servlet,Bean,JSP整合在一起,从而实现一个从信息收集,处理到查询的完整的处理方案。该系统集合了患者管理,医生管理,以及病历管理的综合性应用软件。在该系统中,患者可以不用在医院里面排很长的队伍挂号,只要在门诊系统的页面上选择自己喜欢的医生进行预约看病。这样不仅方便了患者,也方便了医生更容易查阅病历和患者资料。更进一步方便了医院的门诊管理,符合信息化时代的软件应用潮流。 本系统是基于J2EE的设计方案,使用表示层,逻辑层和数据层三层模式。使用B/S模式,大大减低了服务端的数据处理任务。提供了高性能的处理速度,降低数据库的运行时的开销。使用MS SQL Server 2000作为数据库,Tomcat作为JSP容器。数据库层使用JDBC与底层数据库进行交互,逻辑层封装在Java类中,表示层由JSP实现。 关键词:B\S模式;JSP;Enterprise JavaBean;三层模式;JDBC THE ANALYSE AND DESIGN OF HOSPITAL CLINIC APPOINTMENT AND QUERY SYSTEM Abstract With the development of computer technology, the computer application has referring to all the sides of humans life. The hospital clinic appointment and query system gets across analyzed a Hospitals Clinic System, use the Database, Servlet, JavaBean and JSP to realize a project of gathering information, management and query. The system is an all-around application software including patient management, doctor management, history management and log file management. Using this system, the patient couldnt queue up at the hospital to register. Thats really wasted so much time for patient. The patient can choose a doctor who his like. In this way, the patient felt convenience, and the doctor check the history and patient information easily. The hospital clinic system became very convenience. The system is based on the J2EE design project, use three layer mode: the express layer, the logic layer and the database layer. It is use the B/S mode (browse/server). It reduced so much data disposal task at server, provided high performance, reduced many spending on the database. This system use the MS SQL Server as a database, Tomcat as be a container, use the JDBC driver to connect with database at data layer. The logic layer is encapsulation in Java class files. The JSP achieved the express layer. Key Words:B\S mode;JSP;Enterprise JavaBean;three layer mode;JDBC 目 录 第一章 绪 论 1 1.1 引 言 1 1.2 概 述 2 1.3 J2EE概述 3


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