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摘 要 摘 要 北戴河海滨是中国近代开发最早的对外避暑旅游区,外籍人员来此活动由来已久。 如何有效加强对外籍人员的日常管理、保证避暑区的治安稳定一直是民国时期北戴河地 方行政管理机构的重要管理活动。1934-1948 年,在北戴河避暑外籍人员数量大、身份 复杂、居住分散、日常活动频繁多样的情况下,不断更迭的地方行政机构取得了较为成 功的外籍人员管理,保证了各项管理工作的有效实施,维护了社会治安稳定,较好满足 了国家维护主权利益和外交关系的需要,最终对于北戴河的旅游业发展也起到了积极的 推动作用。由于历史的原因,1934-1948 年的北戴河外籍人员管理以保护、监视、调查、 遣返等为主要内容,这些内容也体现出其特有的时代性、阶段性和不可避免的历史局限 性。 关键词 北戴河 海滨 外籍人员 管理 I Abstract Abstract Beidaihe seashore is that the Chinese modern times develops the earliest relating to outside to avoid summer heat tourist area, the foreign nationality personnel comes the long-standing , how effective daily sharpening administration to foreign nationality personnel to exercise here , ensure that area public security avoiding summer heat stabilizes the important management being always Beidaihe the Republican period local administration administration. 1934-1948 is annual , the foreign nationality personnel quantity avoiding summer heat is big in Beidaihe , dignity is complicated , frequently various condition of disperse , daily activity of habitancy is lower, the local administration organization alternating unceasingly has got the comparatively successful foreign nationality personnel administration , the effective implementation having ensured that various administration works, has defended public security stability , the satisfied also fairly good country has defended sovereign right benefit and the diplomatic relations need , the ultimate tourist trade to Beidaihe has been developed up having arrived at the active push effect. Because history cause


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