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内 容 摘 要 尊老养老是先辈们传承下来的宝贵精神财富,是我们中华民族的传统美德, 是传统文化中的精华,也是中华民族强大的凝聚力和亲和力的具体体现。从敦煌 吐鲁番文献看,尊老养老在地处西部边陲的敦煌吐鲁番地区同样非常盛行。 全文由三部分组成:第一部分探讨了敦煌吐鲁番地区的老年人口状况:老年 人口所占比例、老年人的性别构成及其原因、抚养系数等。 第二部分探讨敦煌吐鲁番文献中所涉及的尊老养老行为。主要包括:赏赐老 人,减免老人的赋役,为老人配侍丁,法律对犯罪老人的宽刑政策及对其权益的 保障,无子者的养老问题,旌表孝门及其它尊老养老行为。 第三部分探讨促成中国重视尊老养老的文化因素。“孝”是尊老养老的理论 基础,占中国传统文化主流的儒家、佛家、道家都大力宣传孝道,这使孝成为指 导人们行为的准则。 总之,敦煌吐鲁番文献中有相当丰富的老年人口和尊老养老的材料,对这些 材料的整理和研究有助于我们更深刻地了解当时社会的特征和发展状况。国家养 老措施是为了形成全社会的良好养老风尚,巩固统治,稳定社会秩序。我们可以 从中得到很多有益的启迪,从而为我们今天建设社会主义和谐社会、实现党的十 七大提出的 “老有所养”的目标,提供有益的切实的历史借鉴。 关键词:唐五代宋初 敦煌吐鲁番文献 老年人口 尊老养老 II Abstract Respecting and providing for the aged are the precious spiritual wealth which inherited from the older generations, are the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, are the essence of traditional culture, are also powerful cohesive force and affinity concrete embodiment of the Chinese nation. Looking from Dunhuang Turfan literature, respecting and providing for the aged are similar to be in vogue in Dunhuang and Turpan areas where situated at the western border region . The article is composed of three parts: The first part analyzed the conditions of the aged of Dunhuang and Turpan areas at that time: the proportion of the elderly population, the gender composition of the elderly and the reasons, the foster coefficient and so on. The second part discussed the behaviour of respecting and providing for the aged which in Dunhuang and Turfan literature involves. It mainly includes: rewarded the aged, reliefed and exempted taxes and corvee of the aged, provided the aged with people who waited on them, there were some policies to reliefe the pu


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