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期货英语词典 A Actuals: 现货,见现货商品(Cash Commodity) Aggregation: The policy under which all futures positions owned or controlled by one trader or a group of traders are combined to determine reportable positions and speculative limits. 合并处理 Arbitrage: The simultaneous purchase and sale of similar commodities in different markets to take advantage of a price discrepancy. 套利 Arbitration: The process of settling disputes between parties by a person or persons chosen or agreed to by them. 仲裁 Associated Person (AP): An individual who solicits orders, customers or customer funds on behalf of a Futures Commission Merchant, an Introducing Broker, a Commodity Trading Advisor or a Commodity Pool Operator and who is registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. 联系人 At-the-Money Option: An option whose strike price is equal—or approximately equal—to the current market price of the underlying futures contract. 平值期权 Backwardation: A futures market in which the relationship between two delivery months of the same commodity is abnormal. 延期交割贴水,与延期交割升水(Contango)相对,也见逆转市场(Inverted Market) Basis: The difference between the current cash price of a commodity and the futures price of the same commodity. 基差 Bear Market (Bear/Bearish): A market in which prices are declining. A market participant who believes prices will move lower is called a “bear.” A news item is considered bearish if it is expected to result in lower prices. 熊市 Bid: An expression of willingness to buy a commodity at a given price; the opposite of Offer. 买方出价,买方叫价 Board of Trade: 交易所,见合约市场(Contract Market) Broker: A company or individual that executes futures and options orders on behalf of financial and commercial institutions and/or the general public. 经纪商,经纪人 Bucketing: Directly or indirectly taking the opposite side of a customer’s order into the broker’s own account or into an account in which the broker has an interest, without open and competitive execution of the order on an exchange. 对敲 Bull Market (Bull/Bul


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